
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Case Management Essay -- Health Care, Hospitals

theme anxietyCase wariness has become the standard method of managing wellness business organisation delivery systems today. In recent decades, p severelyowcase management has become amplespread throughout health sell argonas, professionals, and models in the United States and it has been extended to a wide range of clients (Park & Huber, 2009). The primary goal of case management is to deliver theatrical role business organization to affected roles in the most cost effective approach by managing human and material resources. The focus of this paper is on the concept of case management and how it developed historically, the definition of case management, the components of case management, and how it relates to other care for care delivery models. History of Case ManagementThe concept of Case management has was first introduced in the 1970s by amends companies as a way to monitor and control costly health insurance claims, commonly created by a catastrophic accident or sickness (Jacob & Cherry, 2007). Today almost every major health care physical composition has a case management program managing and directing the use of health care services for their clients. Also, case management by payer organizations is acknowledge as external case management. Hospitals recognized the need for the case management model in the mid 1980s to manage the lengths of stay of infirmaryized patient roles and the interposition plans (Jacob & Cherry, 2007). In 1983, the Medicare prospective payment program was implemented which allowed hospitals to be reimbursed a set payment based on the patients diagnosis, or Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG), regardless of what treatment was provided or how long the patient was hospitalized (Jacob & Cherry, 2007). To keep the costs below the diagnosis related payment, hospitals ... ...ut supplements nursing care in a health care facility (Jacob & Cherry, 2007). For example, if a hospitals medical-surgical unit uses a team nurs ing approach to patient care, a system of case management also might be in place to assist with coordinating the patients wide care through discharge (Jacob & Cherry, 2007). Moreover, case management is not forever necessary with every patient in a health care facility. Typically case management is generally reserved for the seriously ill or injured, chronically ill, and high cost cases (Jacob & Cherry, 2007).In brief, case managers are a unique segment of the healthcare proceedforce. They share the same goals and standards of dress but are multidisciplinary and have diverse academic educational backgrounds and work environments (Park & Huber, 2009). case management leads to better manage health of individuals.

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