Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Vitasoy distribution background Essay Example
Vitasoy distribution background Essay Example Vitasoy distribution background Essay Vitasoy distribution background Essay Product line from a single product to product diversification, a tea, milk, Juice and other beverages to meet the needs of different consumers. Vertical distribution system: The Vitas International Company limited in Hong Kong is Vertical pipeline system . Vitas is through to set up branch offices in various Shanghai, direct delivery and management of major retail store. Control by the manufacturer in order to establish a strong vertical marketing system. Before that, Vitas also sold through tillers, distributors to the daily delivery. The Vitas vertical pipe system established on manufacturers holding and control . Vitas in the Chinese market sales of the vertical pipe, set the foundation, paving the way for the future development. Vitas branch office established across the distribution channels through the manufacturer, and then to select distributors, and then to the retailer, and finally to the needs of consumers. Vitas dominates distributors and retailers in an entire sales pipeline and develop a flexible price, depending on the region Vitas distribution advantages: Maintain the cooperative relationship transportation of the materials are quite good, but more important is the relationship, Especially in China, about the ways of the world, relationship Good interpersonal skills will enhance the status of the pipeline, therefore Vitas can develop in everywhere Relationship between middlemen and manufacturers are cooperative relationship base on common purpose. Vitas has given many incentives. Vitas has given many incentives. For example, are the best-selling products. Vitalitys advertising and the cost of support is first class, many Vitalitys TV magazines and other media advertising. This is free promotion. At the same time, the delivery of timely and accurate, special subsidies and rebates show Vitas done pipeline motivation is very good. So that, distributors, and retailers are very happy to cooperation with Vitas companies, to maintain a balanced and stable development. Avoid conflicts of interest Vitas company has limit the price to distributors and retailers. Profits are estimate, reasonably good distribution for the interests of each layer. To achieve a win-win situation. The concept of conflict is not exist, Vitas focus on communication, to listen objectively and evaluation of views on all aspects . Logistics system, distributors, management department, storage and transportation companies, financial institutions and insurance companies Arrangements for distributors in the management department, Vitas is handy to deal with the problem of the production areas. Transportation and warehousing logistics company reached an agreement.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
When to Use the Words A, An, and And
When to Use the Words A, An, and And A and an are two forms of the same word. The conjunction and is a different word altogether. Use the indefinite articles a and an before nouns: a before a noun that begins with a consonant sound (a doctor, a horse, a university); an before a noun that begins with a vowel sound (an envelope, an hour, an umbrella). And is a coordinating conjunction: use it to join words, phrases, and clauses. Examples Every minute felt like an hour, and every hour felt like a day.Love is not a feeling. Love is an action, an activity. (M. Scott Peck)For lunch, she had an apple, a carrot, and a European oyster.Betty is an honorary member of the Lollipop League.Shyla and I were sitting at a table with an energetic clown and a rowdy little girl. Usage Notes on When to Use A or An A HistorianPeople worry about whether the correct article is a or an with historian, historic, and a few other words. Most authorities have supported a over an. The traditional rule is that if the h- is sounded, then a is the proper form. . . . This is not a new rule. Even the venerated language authority H.W. Fowler, in the England of 1926, advocated a before historic(al) and humble. (Bryan A. Garner, a. A. Choice Between a or an. Garners Modern American Usage. Oxford University Press, 2003)A and An Before AbbreviationsA minor complication arises with some abbreviations. Do you write, He received a M.A. degree or an M.A. degree? Do you write, a N.Y. Central spokesman or an N.Y. Central spokesman? The test is how people say or read such designations. M.A. registers with most people as alphabetical letters, not as Master of Arts; hence, an M.A. degree is proper. On the other hand, N.Y. Central is instantly translated by the mind into New York Central; it would not be read as En Wye Central. Therefore, a N.Y. Central spokesman is proper. (Theodore M. Bernstein, The Careful Writer: A Modern Guide to English Usage, Simon Schuster, 1965) Practice Exercise Fill in each blank with either a, an, or and. (a) Writing is just having ______ sheet of paper, ______ pen, ______ not a shadow of ______ idea what you are going to say.(b) ______ good coach is ______ understanding tyrant ______ a hard-headed friend. Answers to Practice Exercises: A, An, And (a) Writing is just having a sheet of paper, a pen, and not a shadow of an idea what you are going to say.(b) A good coach is an understanding tyrant and a hard-headed friend.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Arranged marriages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
Arranged marriages - Essay Example (p.1176) In the world after 9/11, wearing a hijab can also be seen as a political sign. (Afshar, Aitken & Franks, 2005) Klausen (2005) has mentioned a case of Baroness Uddin, a member of the House of Lords, who admits wearing hijab for political reasons. (Klausen, 2005, p.185) Unfortunately, it has become a target of non-Muslims’ atrocities around the world, especially after the 9/11 attacks. Discrimination against hijab was also prevalent in the UK prior to 9/11, although it might not be to a great extent at that time. Geldart (1999) mentioned that in 1993, a head teacher in West Sussex pressurized a girl to remove her hijab. (Geldart, 1999) Currently, a debate is also going on in European countries about banning hijab to some extent. Fekete (2004) points out that European Nations â€Å"should not use state power to force on any individual a dress code, whether culturally or religiously determined†. (p.26) Beckman (2007) points out that if a hijab-wearing woman is asked to rem ove her hijab, it would bring her enormous embarrassment and a feeling of disrespect. (Beckman, 2007) As it will be seen in this research, hijab-wearing women are not willing to give away their right at any cost, and a ban can be harmful for the nations themselves. UK is a home to a majority of Muslims but it is a land where Muslim women face many tribulations and hurdles from other non-Muslim groups just because they cover their face. These atrocities vary in intensity and nature. While many people abuse verbally and psychologically, some may even go to the extent of physical torture. In one incident, comedian Shazia Mirza was â€Å"physically attacked by young men in a British Muslim audience in London’s Brick Lane.†(Tarlo, 2007, p.146) The recent attack on the veiling of Muslim women was made by ex-Foreign Secretary Jack Straw in the year 2006 when he criticised women who wear veils.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Effects of television on children under the age of two Essay
Effects of television on children under the age of two - Essay Example At four years of age children switch to adult programming and by the time these youngsters enter kindergarten, the effects of routine and unconfirmed viewing are said to lead to decreased thoughts and attention spans, tetchiness and restlessness, low academic achievement, aggressive behaviors derivative of popular TV programs, and so forth (Mutz, D. C., Roberts, D. F., and van Vuuren, D. P. 1993). Even the youngest children in America are growing up immersed in media, spending hours' whole day watching TV and videos, using computers and playing video games, according to a new study released today by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Children's six and under spend an average of two hours a day using screen media (1:58), about the same amount of time they spend playing outside (2:01), and well over the amount they spend reading or being read to (39 minutes). New interactive digital media have become an integral part of children's lives. Nearly half (48%) of children six and under have used a computer (31% of 0-3 year-olds and 70% of 4-6 year-olds). Just under a third (30%) have played video games (14% of 0-3 year-olds and 50% of 4-6 year-olds). Even the youngest children -- those under two -- are widely exposed to electronic media. Forty-three percent of those under two watches TV every day, and 26% have a TV in their bedroom (the American Academy of Pediatrics "urges parents to avoid television for children under 2 years old"). In any given day, two-thirds (68%) of children under two will use a screen media, for an average of just over two hours (2:05). (PR Newswire; 10/28/2003) The revealed results of studies of the past two decades, then, have alerted parents and educators to such pessimistic effects of TV. More lately, however, researchers have examined the proportional effects of both unmediated and mediated viewing. Numerous now argue that mediated viewing that is, viewing which entails parental or instructional intervention counter acts the actually negative effects of unmediated viewing. Jane Bowyer and Mami Komaya presented theoretical importance of mediated viewing that is in the reference to the work of Vygotsky (1978) and Rogoff (1990). Vygotsky's "zone of proximal development" is explained as the gap between a child's "actual level as determined by independent problem solving" and the higher level of "potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers" (Vygotsky, p. 86). According to Jane Bowyer and Mami Komaya in this framework, mediated viewing of television viewing creates a social milieu in which the parent guides the child through the zone of proximal development to solve the problem of understanding television contents. Active mediation also is an example of what Rogoff (1990) calls "apprenticeship," whereby "active novices advance their skills and understanding through participation with more skilled partners in culturally organized activities" (Rogoff, p. 39). In her view, the pare nt is an expert who
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Black Panther and Ku Klux Klan Essay Example for Free
Black Panther and Ku Klux Klan Essay After doing research to compare/contrast the two groups, the Black Panthers and the Ku Klux Klan, it opened my eyes. I realized that the new generation is oblivious to the existence of both groups and the similarities and differences in them. I researched the two different groups to see when the groups came into existence who were the members, why they fought for rights they thought they deserved and the groups involvement in violent acts and their remnants today. In World War II, blacks fought for the American dream willingly, but separately from the white soldiers. When the war was over, human rights activists of all races and educated blacks thought the soldiers and blacks deserved the right of equality. Malcolm X was one of the many human rights activists. He was an African-American Muslim minister he thought after years of non-violence, signing petitions, marching, praying and crying and blacks doing the impossible to be recognized as human beings, it was time for them to take it into their own hands. Malcolm X was then assassinated February 21, 1965. Today many of his quotes like this one are famous. And when I speak, I dont speak as a Democrat. Or a Republican. Nor an American. I speak as a victim of Americas so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy all weve seen is hypocrisy. When we open our eyes today and look around America, we see America not through the eyes of someone who has enjoyed the fruits of Americanism. We see America through the eyes of someone who has been the victim of Americanism. We dont see any American dream. Weve experienced only the American nightmare. The Black Panther Party was then founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, in 1966, it was based on ideas which were strongly associated with Malcolm Xs life works it was made up of progressive militant political organization. They advocated Black Nationalism and had strong believes in the necessity of violence and armed self-defense. They patrol African American neighborhoods to protect residents from acts of police brutality and to obtain freedom from white oppression. Fought for the rights of American blacks in the US, they called themselves Revolutionaries. Ku Klux Klan on the other hand was founded in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee. The Klan members were many former Confederate veterans determined to fight for the right to restore white supremacy they called themselves The Invisible Empire of the South. Ku Klux Klan believed that black werent fighting for right but for special right and that Negros were happier when they had nothing not even their own name. They also showed resistance to policies that gave the right to economic equality for blacks and other minorities. The Black Panthers were non-violent they petitioned for the right for Black Americans to bear arms. Reason being the police werent there for their safety or to promote their welfare they were there to contain, brutalize and murder them. With the blacks starting to carry guns came violence. There were shootouts with police which killed many innocent people, riots that destroyed towns, blacks had means to defend themselves but then crime skyrocketed. The Black Panther werent organized as some thought and werent ready to fight a revolution they just wanted to be treated like an equal and were ready for anything that crossed there path. Ku Klux Klan had and still have a very violent disposition, they could terrorized the black and any other minorities that they thought threatened their white purity as they referred. Being that the sheriff upheld the rights of the Klan and courts upheld the rights of the sheriff. The Klan killed civil right helpers blacks and whites. Civil rights helpers assisted blacks learn to read so that they could vote as well as getting them to the poles to vote. KKK burned many churches, schools and were involved in lynching of hundreds. Now after two decades of failure 1982 was the official end of the Black Panther Party they did accomplish one thing a major change in police brutality in Oakland went way down. Black Panther also went back to square one the non-violence approach, by setting up organization to help needy family such as free clinic and free meal programs. Educated blacks and activist in this generation are very disappointed in blacks not getting involved and how they accept the minimum for themselves. KKK on the other hand are still very prominent and doubled in size. They even still to this day try to recruit new members by putting flyers with candy on doors in residential areas, doing pod cast, and even do interviews to try to convince the public what they are doing is right and isnt racist as all. They are even trying to adopt highways in some states which judges arent allowing, even after they try to convince them its to keep nature clean.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Movement :: essays research papers
Movement Seven thirty in the morning and it already is 120 degrees in the shade. Mail call brings me no news from home. The word around Camp New Jersey is that we move into Iraq at 0400 hours tomorrow morning. This means that all mail will stop for the next two weeks. My mood is destroyed. Â Â Â Â Â Four in the morning, I am checking my vehicles temperature as a drive out of Camp New Jersey and towards the Iraqi border. There is a news correspondent that told me he would get in touch with my family and relay any news from home, so I feel a little bit better. As the sun kisses the horizon, I see why there is such thing as religion in this world. The pink and orange stained clouds construct the most breathtaking ceiling in the horizon. For a few minutes I forget that I'm driving into a fire zone and feel as if I'm driving into the welcoming arms of some ancient God. Â Â Â Â Â Eight twenty two in the morning, we are seventeen clicks into Iraq. The desert is a breathtaking sight. I can't help but think that I'm driving through the ancient kingdom of Babylon. These are the same sense that Moses crossed with millions of Jews. Molestina 2 The unforgiving landscape somehow seems defiled by this concrete and asphalt road. Â Â Â Â Â Nine forty two in the morning; and I see for the first time the image that would hunt my dreams for the rest of my life. There he is, a child that has not seen eight winters yet. He's begging for food on the side of the road. To him we are not the saviors of his country, or the monsters that are sure to kill his people; it's much simpler than that, to him all we are is possible meal, a chance that tonight he won't go to bed hungry. His parents are sitting in front of a small nearby hut, for them we're also a chance to eat, so they let their child continue. My thermometer reads 147Â °; God only knows how hot the asphalt is under the child's bare feet. Â Â Â Â Â Ten thirty three and the child is far behind. We have taken several casualties in the last thirty minutes. The ambush came from nowhere. But as I lay in the ground firing at the enemy so the medics can evacuate the wounded, all I can think of is how lucky I am.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Coyote Blue Chapter 23~24
Part 3 Quest CHAPTER 23 Pavlov's Dogs and the Rhinestone Turd Las Vegas The only distractions from the noise of his own mind were desert-dried roadkills, thrown retreads, and road signs reflecting desolation. Sam drove, smoked, and fought drowsiness by worrying about how he would find the girl. The trickster slept in the passenger seat. Sam had been to Las Vegas three times before – with Aaron – to see championship boxing at Caesar's Palace. Two hundred dollars bought them seats at nosebleed altitude, closer to the moon than the ring, but Aaron insisted that there was nothing like being there. Without binoculars, following the progress of the fight was like tracking down a rumor. Sam usually watched the women and did his best to keep Aaron calmed down. As soon as they walked into a casino Aaron started. â€Å"This is my town! The lights, the excitement, the women – I was born for this place.†Then Aaron would drop a couple thousand at the tables and suck free gin and tonics until he staggered. In the morning Sam would drag Aaron out of a tangle of satin sheets and hookers, throw him in the shower, and listen to his long lament of remorse and hangover as he lay in the backseat of the car with a jacket over his head, whining the whole way home about how he would never return. Aaron never failed to fuel the greed machine and was always dumbfounded when it juiced him of his hope. It was the machine that fascinated Sam. While Aaron ground himself through the velvet gears, Sam watched the workings of the most elaborate Skinner box on the face of the Earth. Drop the coin, hear the bell, see the lights, eat the food, see the women, hear the bell, see the lights, drop the coin again. The ostentation of the casinos did not create desire for money; it made money meaningless. There were no mortgages in a casino, no children needing food, no car needing repairs, no work, no time, no day, no night; those things – the context of money – were someplace else. A place where people returned before they realized that a turd rolled in rhinestones is a turd nonetheless. Sam saw the glow from Las Vegas rising over the desert from thirty miles out. He poked Coyote in the leg and the trickster woke up. â€Å"Hold the wheel,†Sam said. â€Å"Let me drive. You can sleep.†â€Å"You're not driving my car. Just hold the wheel.†Coyote held the wheel while Sam punched buttons on the console. The screen of the navigation system flickered on. Sam punched a few more buttons and a street map of Las Vegas lit up green on the screen. A blip representing the Merecedes blinked along Highway 15 toward the city. â€Å"Okay,†Sam said, taking the wheel again. Coyote studied the screen. â€Å"How do you win?†â€Å"It's not a game, it's a map. The blip is us.†â€Å"The car knows where it is going, like a horse?†â€Å"It doesn't know, it just tells us where we are.†â€Å"Like looking out the window?†â€Å"Look, I'm going to have to sleep when we get to Vegas. I don't even know where to start looking for Calliope.†â€Å"Why don't you ask the car?†Sam ignored the question. â€Å"I'm going to get us a room.†He dialed information on the cellular phone, got the number of a casino hotel, then called and reserved a room. The exits off the highway were marked by names of casinos they led to, not by the names of streets or roads. Sam took the exit marked Camelot. He followed the signs down the surface streets lined with pawnshops, convenience stores, and low-slung cinder-block buildings under neon signs that proclaimed, CASH FOR YOUR CAR, CHECKS CASHED HERE, MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES – TWENTY-FOUR-HOUR DRIVE-THRU WINDOW. Coyote said, â€Å"What are these places?†Sam tried to think of a quick explanation, but was too weary from lack of sleep to tackle the concept of Las Vegas in twenty-five words or less. Finally he said, â€Å"These are places where you go if you want to fuck up your life and you don't have a lot of time to do it in.†â€Å"Are we going to stop?†â€Å"No, I seem to be fucking up at a fine rate of speed, thank you.†Sam spotted the pseudomedieval towers of Camelot rising above the strip, multi-colored pennons flying from standards tipped with aircraft warning lights. He wondered what the real King Arthur (if there was a King Arthur, and who was he to question the truth behind myth?) would have thought about the casino named after his legendary city. Would he recognize anything? Would he cower in fear at the sight of his first electric light? Flush toilet? Automobile? Would he be reduced to a pathetic Quixote attacking this place where chivalry was a quaint marketing idea? Or would the Once and Future King lay eyes on a leggy keno girl and raise another lance to lead the knights of the Round Table in a charge? The women, Sam decided, would be Arthur's touchstone, and his downfall. He shot a glance at Coyote. â€Å"When we get there you're going to see a lot of women without a lot of clothes on. Stay away from them.†Coyote looked surprised. â€Å"I never touch a woman who does not want it-â€Å" â€Å"Don't touch!†Sam interrupted. Coyote slouched in his seat. â€Å"Or need it,†he whispered. Sam drove the Mercedes over a giant drawbridge and stopped at the valet parking station where a dozen young men dressed like squires were scrambling around unloading cars, filling out slips, and driving cars away. â€Å"This is it,†Sam said. He popped the trunk and got out, leaving the engine running. A warm desert wind washed over him at the same time a young man ran around the car and held out a numbered slip of paper. â€Å"Your ticket, milord.†Sam dug in his pocket for a bill to tip the kid, but found nothing. â€Å"I'm sorry,†he said. â€Å"I don't have any cash on me. I'll get your name and leave a tip at the desk.†The kid tried to force a smile and failed. â€Å"Very good, milord.†He jumped in the car and slammed the door. Sam cringed and tapped on the window. The window whirred down; the kid waited. Sam leaned in and read the kid's plastic badge. â€Å"Look, uh, Squire Tom, I really will leave a tip at the desk for you. We left in a hurry and I forgot to get cash.†The kid waited, gunning the engine. â€Å"There's an alarm remote on the keys. Could you turn it on after you park it? One chirp is armed.†Squire Tom nodded and pulled away. Sam heard him say, â€Å"The pox on you, Moorish pig,†over the squeal of the tires. How authentic, Sam thought. He watched the Mercedes disappear around the corner and wondered why valet parking always made him feel as if he had seen his car for the last time. Coyote stood across the lane waving to the car. He looked over. â€Å"Moorish pig?†â€Å"The dark skin, I guess,†said Sam. He led Coyote past a half-dozen squires and an overweight guy in a purple-and-yellow jester's outfit with a radio on his belt and a badge that read, Lord Larry, over another drawbridge, and into the casino. Trumpets played a fanfare as they crossed the threshold under a brace of huge broadswords. A jolly electronic voice welcomed them to Camelot. Sam spotted a woman in a peasant dress by a sign reading, Ye Olde Information. The badge she wore, next to a magnificent display of cleavage, read, Lusty Wench Wendy. Sam pulled Coyote back and approached the girl. â€Å"Excuse me, er, Wendy. I have a room reserved and I need to find a cash machine.†The girl spoke in a whining fake-English-over-true-Brooklyn accent.  «Well » – she threw out a hip, struck a pose – â€Å"if milords proceed through the casino to the left to the second arch, ye will find the registration desk. There's cash machines by every arch, milord.†â€Å"Thanks,†Sam said. He started to walk away, then turned back to the girl. â€Å"Excuse me, but I've been here before and I thought everyone was a lord or a lady. Lusty wench is a new one.†The English accent had overheated and failed. â€Å"Yeah. About three months ago they said it was getting sorta confusing. You know, six Lord Steves, ten Lady Debbies. They use a bunch of other medieval titles now. The bellboys are serfs. Lusty wenches, alchemists, stuff like that.†â€Å"Oh, thanks,†Sam said as if he understood. He led Coyote into the chaos of the casino, looking for a cash machine while trying to move quickly. Coyote's appearance was attracting attention, and when people looked up from a slot machine or blackjack table, Sam knew they were truly distracted. As they passed a carousel of slot machines, a middle-aged woman who was pumping quarters into a machine by the handful leaned so far back to get a look at the trickster that she nearly toppled off her stool. Sam caught her and steadied her. â€Å"He works at the Frontier, up the strip,†Sam said. Coyote peeked over Sam's shoulder, winked at the woman, then licked his eyebrows. The woman's jaw dropped. â€Å"Exotic dancer,†Sam explained. The woman nodded, a little stunned, and returned her attention to the slot machine. â€Å"I wish you wouldn't do that,†Sam said to Coyote. â€Å"And don't you have any other clothes? Something a little more conservative?†â€Å"Wool?†Coyote made an incredibly realistic sheep noise. A pit boss at the blackjack tables raised an eyebrow and two security jesters fell in behind Sam and Coyote. â€Å"Be cool,†Sam said. He turned under a hanging tapestry of a unicorn and stopped by a cash machine, checking over his shoulder for the security jesters. They waited and watched, standing a few feet away, while Sam took a deck of credit cards from his wallet and shuffled through them. When he inserted one of the cards in the machine and punched his identification number the jesters moved off. â€Å"They're gone,†Coyote said. â€Å"Yeah, as long as it looks like you're going to spend money I guess it doesn't matter what you look like.†Coyote watched as the cash machine spit a stack of twenties into the tray. â€Å"You win,†he said. â€Å"You picked the right numbers the first time.†â€Å"Yeah, I'm lucky that way.†â€Å"Try again, see if you win.†Sam grinned. â€Å"I'm very good at this game.†He put a different card into the machine and punched the same PIN number while Coyote watched. The machine whirred and another stack of twenties shot into the tray. â€Å"You won! Play again.†â€Å"No. We need to check in.†Sam picked up the money and walked to a registration desk that was long enough to land planes on. At this hour of the morning there were only two people on the desk, a lusty wench named Chantel and a very tall, thin, very black man in a business suit and wraparound sunglasses who stood back from the desk and watched, unmoving. â€Å"Hunter, Samuel,†Sam said. â€Å"I have a reservation.†He placed a credit card on the desk. The girl typed for a second. The computer beeped and the girl looked over her shoulder at the black man, who moved like liquid to her side. He consulted the screen for a moment. What now? Sam thought. The black man looked down at Sam and a crescent moon of a smile appeared on the night sky of his face. He picked up Sam's credit card and handed it back. â€Å"Mr. Hunter, thank you for joining us again. The room's on Camelot, sir. And if there's anything I can get you, please don't hesitate to call down and ask.†Sam was dumbfounded. Then he remembered. The last time he had stayed here Aaron had lost almost twenty thousand dollars and billed it to their suite of rooms. The suite had been registered in Sam's name. Vegas loves a loser. â€Å"Thank you†– Sam read the man's nameplate, which was pinned at Sam's eye level – â€Å"M.F.†No Lord, no Squire, no title at all – just M.F. â€Å"The second elevator on your left, Mr. Hunter,†the lusty wench said. â€Å"Twenty-seventh floor.†â€Å"Thanks,†Sam said. Coyote grinned at the girl and Sam dragged him away to the elevator, where the trickster immediately punched in four floor numbers and stood back. â€Å"This time, I will win.†â€Å"It's a fucking elevator,†Sam said. â€Å"Just push twenty-seven.†â€Å"But that is not the lucky number.†Sam sighed and pushed the floor number, then waited while they stopped at all the floors Coyote had pushed on their way to twenty-seven. Once in the room, Sam stripped to his shorts and fell onto one of the king-size beds. â€Å"Get some sleep if you can. I'll try and figure out how to find Calliope in the morning. I'm too tired to think now.†â€Å"You sleep,†Coyote said. â€Å"I will think of a plan.†Sam didn't answer. He was already asleep. Coyote Loses His Ass Coyote and his friend Beaver had been hunting all day, but neither had found any game. After a while they sat down on some rocks and began talking. â€Å"This is your fault,†Coyote said. â€Å"I can always find game.†â€Å"I don't think so,†Beaver said. â€Å"If you are such a good hunter, why is your wife so skinny?†Coyote thought about his skinny wife and Beaver's fat little wife and he was jealous. â€Å"Well, how about a bet?†he said. â€Å"Tomorrow we will each go out hunting. If you get more rabbits, you can come to my lodge and sleep with my wife so you can see that my skinny wife is better. But if I get more rabbits, I get to sleep with your wife.†â€Å"Sounds fair,†Beaver said. The next day, after the hunt, Coyote came to Beaver's lodge carrying his one scrawny rabbit. â€Å"Oh, Mrs. Beaver,†he called. â€Å"I've come to collect on my bet.†Mrs. Beaver called from inside the lodge. â€Å"Oh, Coyote, you are a great hunter. Mr. Beaver just stopped by with twenty rabbits on his way to your lodge. You better go stop him and tell him that you got more.†â€Å"Right,†Coyote said. â€Å"I'll be right back.†He slunk off to his lodge dragging his rabbit. His wife was waiting outside. â€Å"Nice rabbit,†she said. â€Å"Beaver is inside. I'll see you in the morning.†Coyote's wife went into the lodge and pulled down the door flap. All night Coyote sat outside his lodge shivering and listening. At one point he heard his wife cry out. â€Å"Beaver!†Coyote shouted. â€Å"Don't you hurt my wife.†â€Å"He's not hurting me,†Mrs. Coyote said. â€Å"I like it!†â€Å"Swell,†Coyote said. The next morning Beaver came out of Coyote's lodge singing and grinning. â€Å"No hard feelings, right?†â€Å"A bet is a bet,†Coyote said. Mrs. Coyote peeked out and said, â€Å"Maybe this will teach you not to gamble.†â€Å"Right,†Coyote said. Then he called to Beaver, â€Å"Hey, how about playing the hand game with me – double or nothing?†â€Å"Sounds good,†Beaver said. â€Å"Let's go down to the river.†At the river Coyote said, â€Å"This is for a night with your wife.†Then he picked the wrong hand. â€Å"You really shouldn't gamble,†Beaver said. â€Å"I'll bet you my best horse for a night with your wife,†Coyote said. After a while, Coyote had lost all his horses, his lodge, his wife, and his clothes. â€Å"One more time,†he said. â€Å"But you don't have anything left,†Beaver said. â€Å"I'll bet you my ass against everything else.†â€Å"I don't want your ass,†Beaver said. â€Å"I thought you were my friend.†â€Å"Okay,†Beaver said. He hid the stone behind his back. Coyote picked the wrong hand. â€Å"Can I borrow your knife?†Coyote said. â€Å"I don't want your ass,†Beaver said. â€Å"A bet is a bet,†Coyote said. He took Beaver's knife and cut off his ass. â€Å"Boy, that stings.†â€Å"I've got to go,†Beaver said. â€Å"I'll tell your wife she can come and sleep in my lodge if she wants to.†He picked up all of Coyote's things and went home. When Coyote got home his wife was waiting. â€Å"Beaver took the lodge,†she said. â€Å"Yep,†Coyote said. â€Å"Where's your ass?†she asked. â€Å"Beaver got that too.†â€Å"You know,†she said, â€Å"there's a twelve-step program for gambling. You should look into it.†â€Å"Twelve steps.†Coyote laughed. â€Å"I'll bet I can do it in six.†CHAPTER 24 Coyote in Trickster Town Las Vegas Coyote had been a long time in the Spirit World, where everyone knew him, so no one would gamble with him. Now that he was in Trickster Town, he wanted to make up for lost time. He waited for Sam to fall asleep, then he took the salesman's wallet and went down the elevator to the casino. Coyote saw hundreds of shiny machines blinking, and ringing, and clanking big coins into hollow metal bowls. He saw green tables where people traded money for colorful chips and a woman in a cage who paid money for the chips. He saw a wheel with a ball that went around and around. When the ball stopped a man took everyone's chips. The key to that one, Coyote thought, is to grab your chips when you see the ball slowing down. At one green table, a shaman with a stick chanted while players threw bones. There was much shouting and moaning after each throw and the shaman took many chips from the players. That is a game of magic, Coyote thought. I will be very good at that one. But first I must use Sam's cheating medicine on this machine. The trickster stood by a machine that he had seen Sam win from two times. He took one of the gold cards from Sam's wallet and slipped it into the machine, then he pressed the number that he had seen Sam use. The machine beeped and spit the card out. â€Å"Panther piss!†Coyote swore. â€Å"I've lost.†He pounded on the machine, then stepped back and drew another card from Sam's wallet. He put it in the machine and pressed the number. The machine beeped and spit out the card. â€Å"Balls!†Coyote said. â€Å"This cheating medicine is no good.†A round woman in pink stretch pants who was standing behind Coyote cleared her throat and made an impatient humphing noise. Coyote turned to her. â€Å"Get your own machine. This one is mine.†The woman glared at the trickster and tapped her foot. â€Å"Go, go, go,†Coyote said, waving her away. â€Å"There are many machines to play on. I was here first. Go away.†He put another card into the machine and hunched over the keyboard so the woman would not steal his cheating medicine. He looked back over his shoulder. She was trying to see what he was doing. â€Å"Go away, woman. My cheating medicine will not help you. Even if you win you will still be ugly.†The woman wrapped the strap of her pocketbook around her wrist and wound up to swing it at Coyote. Coyote was going to turn into a flea and disappear into the carpet, but he would have had to drop Sam's wallet to do it, so he hesitated and the woman let fly. Coyote ducked and covered his head, but the blow didn't come. Instead he heard a solid thud above his head and looked up to see a huge black hand holding the pocketbook in the air, the woman dangling from the strap at the other end. Coyote looked up further, craning his neck, until he saw a dazzling crescent moon of a smile in the face like night sky. â€Å"Is there a problem?†said the crescent moon in a soft, calm, deep voice. The giant lowered the woman, who stood stunned, staring up at what looked like a living late-afternoon shadow in sunglasses. The giant was used to shocking people – white people anyway; a seven-foot black man anywhere off a basketball court nonplussed most. He squeezed the woman's shoulder gently to bring her back to her senses. â€Å"Are you all right, ma'am?†Again the smile. â€Å"Fine. I'm fine,†the woman said, and she tottered off into the casino to tell her husband that, by God, they would spend their next vacation in Hawaii where natives and giants – if they were there at all – were part of the entertainment. The giant turned his attention to Coyote. â€Å"And you, sir, can I help you with anything?†â€Å"You look like Raven,†Coyote said. â€Å"Do you always wear sunglasses?†â€Å"Always, sir,†the giant said with a slight bow. He pointed to the brass nameplate on his black suit jacket. â€Å"I'm M.F., customer service, at your service, sir.†â€Å"What's the M.F. stand for?†Coyote asked. â€Å"Just M.F., sir. I am the youngest of nine children. I suppose my mother was too tired to come up with a full name.†This was not entirely true, nor entirely false. The giant's mother had, indeed, been weary by the time he was born, but she had also developed an unnatural obsession with dental hygiene as a child, after she was chosen to be one of the first students ever to participate in a Crest toothpaste test. It had been her single moment of glory, her fifteen minutes of fame (and her best checkup ever). When she grew up she married a navy man named Nathan Fresh, and as she bore her children she christened them in remembrance of her day in the dental sun. The first of the Fresh children, a boy, was named Fluoristat. Then came three more boys: Tartar, Plaque, and Molar. Then two girls: Gingivitis and Flossie (the latter after the famous dental hygiene cow). After normal deliveries of two more sons, Bicuspid and Incisor, she had a long, difficult labor with her largest and last son, Minty. Later, Mother Fresh swore that had the child taken one more minute to come into the world, she would have nam ed him Mr. Tooth Decay out of spite – a fact that gave little solace to the man named Minty Fresh. Coyote said, â€Å"People think that it stands for motherfucker, don't they?†â€Å"No,†Minty said. â€Å"No one has ever mentioned it.†â€Å"Oh,†Coyote said. â€Å"Can you fix this machine? When I give it the cheating number it just beeps.†Minty Fresh looked at the cash machine, which was still blinking the message INSTRUCTIONS IN ENGLISH, SPANISH, OR JAPANESE. CHOOSE ONE. â€Å"You'll need to choose a language, sir.†He reached down and pushed the English button. â€Å"It should be fine now.†Coyote inserted a card and punched two numbers on the keyboard, then looked at Minty. â€Å"This is my secret number.†â€Å"Yes,†Minty said. â€Å"If you need anything at all, please ask for me personally.†He turned and walked away. Coyote finished punching the PIN number. When the machine prompted him for an amount he punched in $9999.99, the maximum allowed by the six-figure field. The machine whirred and spit five hundred dollars into the tray, then flashed a message saying that this was the card's transaction limit. Coyote tried the card again and got another five hundred. The third time the machine refused the transaction so Coyote tried another card. After running all of Sam's cards to their limit he walked away from the machine with twenty thousand dollars in cash. Coyote went to the roulette table and held the four-inch brick of twenties out to the croupier, a slight Oriental woman in a red-and-purple silk doublet with a name badge that read, Lady Lihn. The croupier said, â€Å"On the table.†She gestured for Coyote to put the money down. She nodded to a pit boss. â€Å"Watch count, please,†she said mechanically. The pit boss, a sharp-faced, slick-haired Italian man wearing a polyester suit and a ten-thousand-dollar Rolex, moved to her side and watched as she counted the bills out on the table. â€Å"Changing twenty thousand,†Lady Lihn said. â€Å"How would you like this, sir?†â€Å"Red ones,†Coyote said. The pit boss raised an eyebrow and smirked. Lady Lihn looked irritated. â€Å"Red is five dollar. No room on table.†The pit boss addressed Coyote. â€Å"Perhaps you'd like two hundred in fives and the rest in hundreds, sir.†â€Å"What color are the hundreds?†Coyote said. â€Å"Black,†Lady Lihn said. â€Å"Yellows,†Coyote said. â€Å"Yellows are two dollars.†â€Å"You pick,†Coyote said. Lady Lihn counted out racks of chips and pushed them in front of Coyote. The pit boss nodded to a cocktail waitress, then to the stack of chips in front of Coyote, which the cocktail waitress interpreted as â€Å"Take the order.†The cocktail waitress would bring strong drinks until Coyote started to get drunk, then she would bring watered drinks until he looked tired, when she would offer coffee and disappear until the caffeine kicked in. â€Å"Can I bring you something to drink?†Coyote turned to the cocktail waitress and stared into her cleavage. â€Å"Yes,†he said. The waitress held a pen ready over a cocktail napkin. â€Å"What can I bring you?†Coyote shot a glance to a woman at the table who was drinking a mai tai, resplendent with paper parasols and sword-skewered tropical fruit. He grabbed the woman's drink and downed half of it, nearly taking his eye out with the plastic broadsword. â€Å"One of these,†Coyote said. He replaced the drink in front of the woman, who didn't seem to notice that it had been missing. She'd been riding the alcohol-and-caffeine roller coaster for hours and was absorbed in winning back her children's college fund. â€Å"Bets down,†Lady Lihn said. Coyote put a single red chip on black and the ball was dropped. Coyote watched the ball race around the outside of the wheel. When it slowed and dropped to the numbers he reached for his bet. â€Å"No touch bet,†Lady Lihn snapped. In an instant the pit boss, the cocktail waitress, and two security jesters in steel-toed elf shoes were at Coyote's side. The trickster pulled his hand back. It will be hard to trick these people, Coyote thought. They talk like wolves, all twitches and gestures and smells. The ball dropped into a red slot and Lady Lihn placed another red chip next to Coyote's. â€Å"I win, I win, I win,†Coyote chanted. He did a skipping dance around the table and sang a victory song. Above the casino, in a mirrored dome, a video camera picked up Coyote's dancing image and sent it to a deck of monitors where three men watched and, in turn, watched each other watch. One pressed a button and picked up a telephone. â€Å"M.F.,†he said. â€Å"This is God. Customer service on table fifty-nine. The Indian you were talking to a few minutes ago. Watch him.†â€Å"I'm on it,†Minty Fresh said. He turned to the girl who was working behind the computer. â€Å"God wants me on the floor.†The girl nodded. As Minty walked by her she sang softly, â€Å"He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake†¦.†Minty Fresh smiled. He really didn't mind being watched. Because of his size, people had always watched him. He had never blended into any background, never entered a room unnoticed, never been able to sneak up on someone. Attracting attention was as natural to him as being. And for every original-thinking dolt who asked him how the weather was up there, there was a woman who wanted to research the wives' tale of proportional hand-foot-penis size. (A tale, Minty thought, dreamed up by the unsatisfied wives of small-footed men.) Minty spotted the Indian at the roulette table. The two security jesters had moved off a few feet but were still watching, as was the pit boss. When Minty came to the table they nodded in acknowledgment and moved off. The croupier looked at Minty and immediately looked back to the bets on the table. Minty Fresh put her on edge. It wasn't his size that rattled her, but the fact that no one was exactly sure what his job was, only that when there was a problem, he was there. He handled things. Lady Lihn dropped the ball into the wheel. It raced, then rattled into a slot, and she raked all the bets off the table. Coyote cursed and let out a howl. The woman playing next to him staggered back and wandered away, carrying visions of her children wearing paper hats and saying, â€Å"I was going to go to college, but my mother went to Vegas instead. Would you like fries with that?†Coyote looked at Minty Fresh. â€Å"She was bad luck. I lost half of my chips because of her.†â€Å"Perhaps you should move to a different table,†Minty said. â€Å"We can open a private table just for you.†Coyote grinned at Minty. â€Å"You think you have a table where you can trick me?†â€Å"No, sir,†Minty said, a little embarrassed. â€Å"We don't wish to trick you.†â€Å"There's nothing wrong with tricking people. They pay you to be tricked.†â€Å"We like to think of it as entertainment.†Coyote laughed. â€Å"Like movie stars and magicians? Tricksters. People want to be tricked. But you know that, don't you?†He picked up his chips and walked to a crap table. Minty thought for a moment before following the Indian. He prided himself on being able to handle any situation with complete calm, but he found dealing with this Indian made him nervous, and a little afraid. But of what? Something in the eyes. He moved in behind Coyote, who was throwing chips on the crap table. â€Å"You can't bet the numbers until the point has been made, sir,†said the stickman, a thin, balding man in his forties. He pushed Coyote's chips back across the table. The stickman looked over Coyote's head and nodded to Minty Fresh before pushing the dice to the shooter. â€Å"Place your bets,†he said, and the dealers working at either end of the table checked the bets on the felt. â€Å"New shooter coming out,†the stickman said. A blond woman in a business suit and perfect newswoman makeup picked up the dice and blew on them. â€Å"Come on, seven,†she said. â€Å"Baby needs new shoes.†Coyote twisted his neck to look at Minty Fresh. â€Å"Does talking to them work?†Minty nodded to the table as the woman let fly with the dice, rolling a two. â€Å"Snake eyes!†the croupier said. â€Å"Lizard dick!†Coyote shouted back. The blond woman cursed and walked away from the table. The stickman shot a glance to Minty, then continued. â€Å"Two. Craps. No pass. No come. Place your bets. New shooter coming out.†He pushed the dice to Coyote, who threw a handful of black chips on the table and picked up the dice. â€Å"You are small, but I am your friend,†Coyote said to the dice. â€Å"You have beautiful spots.†He pulled the rawhide pouch from his belt and poured a fine powder on the dice. â€Å"You can't do that, sir,†the stickman said. Minty Fresh gently took the dice from Coyote and handed them to the boxman, who sat across from the stickman watching an enormous rack of chips that was the table's bank. He inspected the dice, then gave them to the stickman, who dropped them in his tray and pushed a fresh pair to the trickster. â€Å"What is this, shade?†Coyote said. â€Å"The shaman gets to use his power stick but I can't use my cheating powder?†â€Å"I'm afraid not,†Minty said. Coyote picked up the new dice and chucked them to the end of the table. â€Å"Eight! Easy,†the stickman said. â€Å"Did I win?†Coyote asked Minty. â€Å"No, now you have to roll another eight before you roll a seven or eleven.†Coyote rolled again. The dice showed a pair of fours. â€Å"Eight. Winner. Hard way,†the stickman chanted. The dealer placed a stack of black chips next to Coyote's bet. â€Å"Ha,†Coyote said, taunting Minty Fresh. â€Å"See, I am good at this game.†â€Å"Very good,†Minty said with a smile. â€Å"You roll again.†Coyote placed the remainder of his chips on the table. The dealer immediately shot a glance to the boxman, who looked to Minty Fresh. Minty nodded. The boxman nodded. The dealer counted Coyote's chips and stacked them on the pass line. â€Å"Playing twenty-one thousand.†Coyote threw the dice. â€Å"Two!†the stickman said. The dealer raked in Coyote's chips and handed them to the boxman, who stacked the racks in the table bank. â€Å"I lost?†Coyote said incredulously. â€Å"Sorry,†Minty said. â€Å"But you didn't crap out. You can shoot again.†â€Å"I'll be back,†Coyote said. He walked away and Minty followed him through the casino, into the lobby, and out the door. Coyote handed the valet ticket to a kid named Squire Jeff, then turned to Minty, who stood by the valet counter. â€Å"I'll be back with more money.†â€Å"We'll hold a place for you, sir,†Minty said, relieved that the Indian was leaving. â€Å"I was just learning your game, shade. You didn't trick me.†â€Å"Of course not, sir.†Squire Jeff pulled up in the Mercedes, got out, and waited with his hand out. Coyote started to get into the car, then stopped and looked at the valet. He took the pouch from his belt and poured a bit of powder into the kid's hand, then got in the car and drove away. Minty felt a wave of relief wash over him as he watched the Mercedes cross the drawbridge. Squire Jeff, still holding his palm out, turned to Minty Fresh. â€Å"What am I supposed to do with this?†â€Å"You could snort it.†Squire Jeff sniffed at the powder, then wrinkled his nose and brushed the powder from his hand. â€Å"Fucking Indian. You work inside, right?†Minty nodded. Squire Jeff looked Minty up and down. â€Å"You play any ball?†â€Å"One year, UNLV.†â€Å"Injury?†â€Å"Attitude,†Minty said. He walked back into the casino.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Azerbaijan Place of Interest
Azerbaijan place of interest Azerbaijan is one of the ancient countries in the world. History of country plays main rule in culture. History of Azerbaijan start form 3rd – 5th century till now. Our country has glorious history. For this point this glorious reflected in our culture. This culture includes monuments, folklore, literature and so on. In the 21st , new oil and gas boom helped to improve tourism in Azerbaijan. So government has been spending money for restores this historical building. And this factor affect to our budget.Each year many tourist come to our country. Caravansarai historical monument was built by Sheki Khan. This place was built as resting place for caravans that passed Silk Road through Azerbaijan. Cravansarai was one of the biggest stopover in Caucasus in these years. There are also other interesting and historical places in Sheki. For example Khansari, Juma Masjidi, Silk factory. Gelersen-Gorersen castle is famous their historical accident. Khansarai is popular their special infrastructure in the world.Another interesting places in regions include Nizami`s mausoleum, Shah Abbas Mosque, Old Prison & Lighthouse, Mosque of Sheik Yusuf and so on. Baku is not only capital but also cultural centre of Azerbaijan. Baku is city which is the mix of modern and historical places. Maiden tower is one of the most dominant architecture. It is one of the world's largest Zoroastrian temples . Tower had surrounded Caspian sea many years ago. Atashkag Fire Temple is situated at Surakhani near Baku. This museum was originally the private residence of one of Baku's most famous and oil-millionaires, H. Z. Taghiyev
Friday, November 8, 2019
Ivan IV and Absolutism essays
Ivan IV and Absolutism essays Ivan IV (the Terrible) ascended the throne at the age of three and ruled for just over half a century. Being the first to crown himself tsar, Ivan sought to extinguish the opposing power of the boyars. Ivan's struggle with the boyars was first addressed in a relatively mild manner but then became violent and fiendish during the second half of his reign. Ivan IV's system of government has lead many critics to label him as the " first ideologist of Russia." In consolidating the institutions of Muscovite absolutism, he not only broke traditions established by his ancestors, but also repudiated every tenant of the Orthodox Church. Ivan IV, like his predecessors, sought to facilitate the rise of a peculiar social institution consisting of service gentry. Unlike the hated boyars and their votchina, service gentry and their pomestie provided the tsar with a loyal service class that served as a dependent power base for absolute authority. It was during the reign of Ivan III that "pomestie" was first used to define lands confiscated from old boyars and appanage princes in the name of the grand prince. This land, in turn, was handed over as a fief, or pomestie, along with service obligations. Votchiny were hereditary lands, which were considered private property, unlike pomestie, which were considered personal property of the grand prince or tsar. By the reign of Ivan IV, pomestie had become the most prominent form of land ownership. This only pertained to periphery areas, where the most recent expansion of the Muscovite state had occurred. The core of the state was still controlled by votchina owning boya rs. By the time of Ivan IV votchina could not be held without rendering service to the tsar. Although the boyars, who were centered in Muscovy, could not hold votchina without rendering service, they retained some ancient rights of independence, such as the rights to judge and collect taxes. Ivan IV viewed such rights as ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Making Sense of Since
Making Sense of Since Making Sense of Since Making Sense of Since By Maeve Maddox Sometimes a word that is clear in one context, may create ambiguity in another. Consider the following excerpt from a professional newspaper review of Hotel for Dogs. The story follows 16-year-old Andi (Emma Roberts) and her 11-year-old brother Bruce (Jake T. Austin) who, since the death of their parents, have lived in five foster homes over two years. Each move is challenging as they have to find ways to smuggle their charming Jack Russell terrier Friday, a member of their family since happier times, into each new household. If you havent seen the film, can you tell from this paragraph if the children had the dog before their parents died? Dont study it. Just base your impression on one quick reading. The first time I read it, I thought it meant that theyd had the dog before the parents died, but as I went on with the review, I began to wonder if the children had acquired the dog after being sent into foster care. In both phrases, the word since is a preposition. The OED gives two meanings for since as a preposition: 1. Ever or continuously from (a specified time, etc.) till now. 2. During the period between (a specified time) and now; at some time subsequent to or after. OED In the phrase since the death of their parents, the since marks a specific starting point. In the phrase since happier times, the time period is ambiguous. This since could, like the first since, mark a starting point subsequent to the happy times enjoyed with their parents, or it could indicate an earlier starting point, during the happy times. I havent seen the film, so to figure out the writers intended meaning, I googled (Oh, dear. I made a Google search of) They had a dog named Friday and found this refreshingly unambiguous statement in a review written by a high school senior: When their parents were still alive they had a dog named Friday and after their parents passed away they kept the dog Janeane White Not every reader would have had difficulty with this paragraph, but at least one did. And if one reader stumbles, its likely that others will. To avoid confusion, its probably a good idea for a writer to avoid using the same word twice in the same paragraph, especially words that have more than one meaning, however slight the difference. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsSelect vs. SelectedList of Prefixes and Suffixes and their Meanings
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Computer sciences and Information technology Article
Computer sciences and Information technology - Article Example 11, 1994). Large companies have so many systems in use within their organizations that range from employee time recording systems, accounting systems, claims systems, manufacturing systems, and sales planning systems just to name a few. If you lay on top of these systems an ERP system such as Oracle or SAP then you have to develop numerous interfaces so that the systems can pass information back and forth. The one point I do not agree with the author is with the statement about generic applications, â€Å"When companies buy a generic application, they buy a generic process as well. Both the cost savings and the interoperability benefits make the sacrifice of distinctiveness unavoidable†(Carr, p.44, 2003). Industry specific software is not a one size fits all. I have been involved with ERP implementations and the software out of the book has never given the company exactly what they need. Referring back to the Software’s Chronic Crisis article once again, the author wri tes â€Å"The biggest challenge is to find ways of cutting the ties that inherently bind programs to specific computers and to other programs†¦a common language that could be used to describe software parts, programs that reshape components to match any environment, and components that have lots of optional features a user can turn on or off†(Gibbs, p. 11, 1994). By creating software components that have optional features that can be turned on and off depending on the business’ processes, IT can then create customized systems to match the needs of the business better. My Response 1 I would disagree with the assertion that the comments made that software and hardware has become inexpensive, software and hardware are still expensive; however, I agree that most firms, small business have access to both hardware and software as are multinationals. I would also disagree that information technology does not provide economic advantage as was in the past; this is incorre ct since firms with efficient IT systems achieve efficiency in their operations, reducing operating costs and overheads and would thus have economic advantage on firms with inefficient IT systems or lack of IT systems. With respect to the comment above, I would agree with its author that Carr’s (44) assertion that purchasing of a generic application by a company means the purchase of a generic process, as well. Specific software for specific industries does not necessarily serve different firms in the industry the same way, entirely, and efficiently-it’s not a one size fit all. Over the count/shelf software, as several studies have shown, does not meet the exact needs of the company. Question 1 – Classmate Comment 3 I would say that, based on the article â€Å"IT Doesn’t Matter,†the author makes the point very clearly that IT, in fact, does matter quite a bit. He explains how good IT is now an absolutely crucial part of being competitive in busine ss (Carr 46). His point of course is that it has become so ubiquitous that just having good IT no longer automatically produces a business advantage over competitors. IT is now simply one of many â€Å"costs of doing business.†It has become a commodity like electricity, transportation or Internet connectivity. Much like Internet connectivity, it is difficult to imagine how a business could be successful these days without robust IT integrated
Friday, November 1, 2019
M, a 72 year-old widow with neprohritic syndrome Assignment
M, a 72 year-old widow with neprohritic syndrome - Assignment Example Multiple substances such as, water, urea, creatinine, uremic toxins, and drugs move from the blood into the dialysate, thus facilitating removal from the blood. Solutes are transported across the membrane by either passive diffusion or ultrafiltration. M also received 7 sessions of Plasma Exchange. Plasma Exchange is a procedure in which blood is separated into different parts: red cells, white cell, platelets and plasma. The plasma is removed from the blood and a plasma substitute replaced. M had chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the treatment which uses anti-cancer drugs to kill cancer (Myeloma) cells. Myeloma is the cancer that affects cells in the bone marrow called plasma cells leading to damage to the kidney. Haemodialysis and Plasma Exchange will correct M's blood chemistry and therefore relieve her present symptoms. M is hypertensive due to fluid overload or as a result of the failure of the kidneys. The Management of M's hypertension will have the highest priority. As Redmond and McClelland (2006) noted prompt recognition and treatment of hypertension are essential because cardiovascular disease including coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, stroke and left ventricular hypertrophy are the most common cause of death in patients with kidney disease. Risk reduction measures to prevent cardiovascular disease may delay the progression of kidney disease (in ARF or is the effect here Reno protective). ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are the drug of choice (Thomas 2004); however deterioration in renal function may follow initiation of treatment with these medications (DOH 2005, BNF 2006). Since hypertension can have deleterious effects on both cardiovascular and kidney functions, the long-term protection provided by ACE inhibitors (or ARBs) out weighs the risk they pose (Th omas 2004) (this is for ERF is it the same for ARF - CHECK). Because acute renal failure is a catabolic state, the patient can become nutritionally deficient. Total caloric intake should be 30 to 45 kcal (126 to 189 kJ) per kg per day, most of which should come from a combination of carbohydrates and lipids. In patients who are not receiving dialysis, protein intake should be restricted to 0.6 g per kg per day. Patients who are receiving dialysis should have a protein intake of 1 to 1.5 g per kg per day (Agrawal 2000). Hyperphosphatemia The patient has hyperphosphatemia. Phosphate is normally excreted by the kidney and phosphate retention and hyperphosphatemia may occur in ARF. Phosphate - binding agents may be used to retain phosphate ion in the gut. The most common agent is calcicihew, although M is on this drug she needs education on when to take the tablets or maybe increase the dosage. Uremia Caloric intake shou
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