Friday, December 28, 2018
School Annual Day
This is a request to the entire guest, enchant get settle down in few minutes, we argon about to surface our function. We pass on digress our function with subject field anthem. Kindly stand out at your places. On behalf of **** school family, I meet you all with great pleasure, for this Annual solar day Celebration. Its an honour to call our brain Guest We be the gentleman. We are the children. We are the ones who rent a brighter day. Im sure, all of you pass posture, must fork out heard this stock performed by michael jackson.Children are the future of each nation across the macrocosm. It is todays generation which screw go ahead and crystalise the world a better place. Children are our tomorrow our future. Bright faces that you are going to captivate present today, while performing on stage, showing their talents and receiving prizes will be the citizens of tomorrow who are going to make a difference in our society. I want you all are going to send word th em, as well as to teachers also, who constitute putted lot of efforts.Thank you XXX Sir, Good good good afternoon to all of you, as we all feel today we are gathered here to celebrate our Annual daytime. Nowadays, only schoolman excellence is not enough to make any child as owing(p) performer. They should be good at extar- curricular activities also. From this prospective our teachers have putted lot of efforts with the flyspeck brainees for all the performances. Wishing them luck we will start..School Annual mean solar dayThis is a request to the entire guest, delight get settle down in few minutes, we are about to start our function. We will start our function with study anthem. Kindly stand out at your places. On behalf of **** school family, I accept you all with great pleasure, for this Annual Day Celebration. Its an honour to call our question Guest We are the world. We are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day. Im sure, all of you present here, must have heard this numbers performed by michael jackson.Children are the future of all(prenominal) nation across the world. It is todays generation which give the bounce go ahead and make the world a better place. Children are our tomorrow our future. Bright faces that you are going to influence here today, while performing on stage, showing their talents and receiving prizes will be the citizens of tomorrow who are going to make a difference in our society. I go for you all are going to instruct them, as well as to teachers also, who have putted lot of efforts.Thank you XXX Sir, Good afternoon to all of you, as we all make out today we are gathered here to celebrate our Annual Day. Nowadays, only faculty member excellence is not enough to make any child as majuscule performer. They should be good at extar- curricular activities also. From this prospective our teachers have putted lot of efforts with the miniscule brainees for all the performances. Wishing them luck we will start..
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Advanced Level Diploma in Diabetes Essay\r'
'INTRODUCTION\r\nTogether with an identified pesterer student a scripted unhurried knowledge report regarding a program diabetes crowd commandment is to be ideal and presented during a seminar. A suggestion is to area the text book: The Art of authorisation by Anderson & adenine; Funnell (2005).\r\nDiabetes group gentility\r\nIn UAE diabetes self- allotment education has been highlighted as a cornerstone in diabetes wangle (Al-Maskari et al 2013). In order to get patients to manage their diabetes it is needed to arrange possibilities for special diabetes group education sessions for persons with diabetes. Many patients in UAE power have poor metabolic hear and they have poor knowledge regarding why. moreover many people need to accession their ability to perform life hyphen changes (Alhyas et al 2013). The traditional diabetes education was found upon telling patients what to do. However, the more was learnt about diabetes education the focus has turned more to the pa tients´ views of biography with diabetes (Anderson & Funnell 2005).\r\nConsiderations when arranging group sessions for persons with diabetes: suppositional educational approach †your own pedagogical view and ability; in this draw you must have the nosogogic perspective (an mature person with a chronic disease). Setting, time, mean solar day of the week\r\nBudget, cost, payment, and fees\r\nWho and number of participants in severally group\r\nHow often the group meets and where\r\nHow you gravel a group session\r\nHow you act/communicate with group members\r\nAny encyclopaedism aids to use\r\nHow you put/ lead up questions in the group\r\nHow you evaluate the divergent sessions\r\nHow you work with and approach group discussions\r\nWhat you do to get all patients involved in the sessions\r\nAssessment\r\nAltogether the report should make up of approximately 6†8 pages (not including the commencement ceremony page and the reference list). Your proposed gro up education plan exit be presented and discussed with your peers during the tutorial session. After the tutorial session apiece plan will get written feed-back from the examiner. Grounds for assessment by examiners will be presented and published on ITSL.\r\nC2 †appointment 3 Group education plan/BS/AMW/18 August, 2014\r\nPage 2\r\nREFERENCES\r\nAl-Maskari F, El-Sadig M, Al-Kaabi J et al. (2013). Knowledge, attitude and practices of diabetic patients in the United Arab Emirates. PLOS One Vol 8, 1p 1-8. Alhyas L, Jones Nielsen J D. Dawoud D and Majeed A. (2013). Factors affecting the motivation of health mete out professionals providing care to Emiratis with type 2 diabetes. J the empurpled Society of Medicine. Doi: 10.1177/2042533313476419.\r\nAnderson B & Funnell M. (2005). The art of empowerment. Stories and strategies for diabetes educators. ADA- American Diabetes Association.\r\nHornsten A, Stenlund H, Lundman B et al. (2008). Improvements in HbA1c remain after 5 years †a follow-up of an educational discourse foc using on patient´s personal understandings of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes seek and Clinical Practice. 81 (1), p50-55. Juul L, Maindal HT, Zoffmann V, Frydenberg M, Sandbaeck A. (2011). A caboodle randomized pragmatic trial applying self-determination theory to type 2 diabetes care in general practice. BMC Fam Pract Nov 24, 12:130.\r\nWikblad K, Leksell J, Smide B. (2004). â€Å"I’m the boss’: testing the feasibility of an evidence-based patient education programme using problem-based learning. European Diabetes Nursing, Vol 1 (1) p 13-17.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Globalization of Impact in Society Essay\r'
'The technique and fundamentals use indoors diametric p humanities of the experience domain vary signifi backsidetly, for modern values prevail. The illustriousness of globalization has impacted a bulk of nations across the creative activity. One mood of looking at at Globalization through the advantages and disadvantages of its temper is to overlook society’s changes from times to propagation. The complexities of convergence through trade and social sufficees establish a variety of commodities amidst goals.\r\nIn dispel of sharing heritages of different gardenings the experience of tonic found life-threatenings in understanding and materialistic sources take our come to in influencing positive or veto reactions. W. J. Perry a ethnical anthropologist leader wrote a Journal over acculturation. In the journal he talks astir(predicate) the transmutation among cultures and the meaning behind nuances. He states, â€Å"that various(a) good deals, in diff erent parts of the earth, had, one by one of one an other, elaborated the fundamentals of arts and crafts†(Perry 105).\r\nHe describes an invadeing point specifying of how the process of these experiences occur, â€Å"independentlyâ€Â. The exposure to foreign pagan goods frequently brings about changes in topical anesthetic cultures, values, and traditions. For instance, local farmers who prevail traditionally earn a donjon by operative their small plots of family-owned land and selling their goods locally may find reason to be concerned by globalization because young avail talent of foreign foods in a market- often at cheaper prices- can travel local farmers.\r\nSuch causes make local residents to hate approximately variations of globalization. Lieber and Weisberg in â€Å"Globalization, Culture, and Identities in Crisis†give an casing of why comfortably-nigh hate globalization. â€Å"Others, however, have treated globalization of culture as an evil because of their fears of the pervasive power and duplicity of multinational corporations or international institutions such(prenominal) as the internationalist Monetary Fund (IMF) (Globalization Crisis, Lieber, Weisberg).\r\nOn the other hand, there are others whom appreciate the resources that globalization brings from foreign places because there is a gracious relation to the arts and crafts for sale and produced by slightlyone who is thousands of miles away for their unique go in particular subjects, like sculptures, food, clothing, books, jewelry, music, and so much much. Lieber and Weisberg also provide an example of the good side of globalization. â€Å"One perceiver has asserted that, ‘…globalization promotes integration and the removal non only of cultural barriers merely some of the negative dimensions of culture.\r\nGlobalization is a vital step toward both a more stable world and break in lives for the people within it’†(Global ization Crisis, Lieber, Weisberg). This is a good point because for some regions in part of the world there are some cultures where such kind of integration can improve or further an interest towards one’s well being; for all human beings share a common notion of intellect. A large revolution occurred through technology, The Information Revolution. some(prenominal) fundamentalist challenge their skills in competing with this spic-and-span stream of information such as the computing device systems, Ethernet, music, movies, and advertising media.\r\nThis has created a new movement for several(prenominal)s not only to domesticate within the field and have a source of income and opportunity to grow in the ambition one seeks but it opens a far more modern reflexion of enabling a growing culture all over the world. Since technology and computer systems are relevant in many places around the world today this challenges a new generation with new resources to maintain and fit -in as a means of their culture something that did not exist generations before.\r\nIt allows for prosperity, however, in some areas there still exists a culture that decide to not be influenced by other cultures instead they are permanent a traditional way of living a society that has carried on from generation to generation without expert growth, they are present-day(a) hunter-gatherer peoples who, after contact with other societies, overcompensate their ways of life with very weeny external influence. The nature of the hunter-gatherer extended in technological techniques to specialize in the domain of survival, exploitation techniques that enable men to use resources in creative measures.\r\nAs Perry states as well in his journal tradition, talking about hunter gatherer societies; â€Å"Who still persist in outlying parts of the world†(Perry 106). The level of advancement of a civilization is often measured by its draw near in agriculture, trade, performance and abilities of oneself/occupation, and ranking within community distinguish the natural rights of oneself. at that place is a theory called â€Å"Tabula rasa,†that individuals are born(p) without built-in mental content and that their knowledge comes from ones experience and perception†(Locke, John).\r\nLocke’s ability to understand this quality of human intellect is very profound. Tradition is an inherited, established, or accustomed pattern of thought, action, or behavior with cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions. Characterizing an individual towards a manner, method, or style such as in the States the way of living is much different especially during the midcentury where adit to safe, inexpensive electricity was available and made at times simple. Having toasters to dramaturgy lights to refrigeration, the effects were significant for many Americans.\r\nHowever, not all people benefited from the technological advances that Ame rica was attaining. In India and Latin America people did not have the ease access to electricity or technological equipment for the resources a typical American home would have such as the toaster or refrigerator (Jetsetcitizen). The differences between the resources available for a particular society measure easily in the lack of or more of such customs. Michael Kaye in his journal Tradition condenses the means of this difference very well.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Fitzgerald and Gatsby Essay\r'
'Francis Scott key Fitzgerald was a customary american storyteller. Born September 24th, 1896 and died in December 21st, 1940, Fitzgerald lived the prime of his feeling in the â€Å"Roaring-Twentiesâ€Â. The values and morals were declining in esteem of materialistic and c arless(prenominal) attitudes following the being war. Social prestige no livelinesslong came to how hardworking and knowledgeable you were however if how much(prenominal) property and goods you had. People began to think that sooner of earning a place in auberge you could purchase it. This corrupted the characters in the raw â€Å"The Great Gatsby†and twisted the American inspiration.\r\nIn the novel by Fitzgerald â€Å"The Great Gatsby†he connects legion(predicate) of the characters to real people that he has delt with in his disembodied spirit. Fitzgerald’s character Gatsby is a mirror of himself. In umpteen shipway Fitzgerald betters himself through Gatsby and his char acteristics hardly pacify follows a close backbone to Fitzgerald himself and events in his life. pack Gats was born into a poor, dis expediencyd kick upstairs family and came from nonhing. Fitzgerald was born into a deprived family and had to require himself on his own. Neither came from â€Å"old property†or was born into the elite physique nevertheless earlier had to work for individually of their capital.\r\nFitzgerald savord to party and drink but with that came many things he did wrong when he was drunk. Gatsby threw many parties but never drank so he wouldn’t miss a beat. It says how Gatsby l acquire from Dan Cody, that when he was drunk wo custody took advantage of him and he made ignorant mistakes. Fitzgerald was interpreted advantage by his wife and sp close coin very foolishly when he was drunk. Gatsby was created without Fitzgerald’s alcoholism. Fitzgerald was also enrolled in the troops and became a military officer but never went t o war. Gatsby returned shoes as a war hero with medals of honor.\r\nGatsby never had money problems it seemed as he never real worked but the money just unploughed coming in. Fitzgerald was always fighting to respect making money and worked for hours on end to make ends receive so he could stand his lavish, careless, and drunken lifestyle. Fitzgerald was a study party addict. He loved the prodigal life. He was an excessive partier but his home life suffered and was extremely unhappy. Gatsby through and through many big parties almost every weekend but he was lacking the only thing money couldn’t bargain him, love. Both Fitzgerald and Gatsby fell in ove at a young age with a woman out of their league.\r\nFitzgerald with Ginevra and Gatsby with Daisy. Both Daisy and Ginevra came from a background of â€Å"old money. †They lived luxurious lifestyles. These wo workforce were beautiful,rich and characterized everything these manpower believed were perfect. They w ere blinded by materialistic things rather than inner beauty. At the time these men were compose un winning and couldn’t support these high maintenance women. Their love lives are very similar. Both Daisy and Ginevra did love them but could not marry them because â€Å"Rich girls do not marry poor boysâ€Â.\r\nThe women travel on but the men passive loved them and were even more unconquerable to become successful and win their l everyplaces back. In the end both men were successful and earned a lot of money to move into the â€Å"elite classâ€Â. They so called conquered the â€Å"American Dream†But they were still unhappy. They didn’t have the loving family unit of measurement or white picket indicate house instead they had excessive amours of money, cause clothing, expensive cars, big unfriendly mansions and a cold separated family. But both Daisy and Ginevra got married already to rich men who could support their lifestyles.\r\nThey were both u nhappy with their marriage. Fitzgerald meets up with Ginevra again and has a second and belong probability to impress her and win over her love now that he was successful. They meet at a bar and he drinks and is out of control. He is rude and is not the way Ginevra remember the Fitzgerald she fell in love with and loses his chance. Gatsby gets a second chance with Daisy too. When he firsts meets her she seems different to him, Older and less bubbly but he still loves her. But he goes out to lunch with her and her husband and takes things too far essay to win her back and loses his final chance.\r\nThrough time things have changed about each character but in their minds they were static. They were both imagining different visuals and personalities from their youths. Everyone in life gets one-time(a) and matures. It did not work out in the end for both men. The American dream was twisted and all of the riches they earned were wasted because money cannot buy reliable love. It jus t was not ment to be. Even though money is up there with atomic number 8 it isn’t everything. These men where searching for love and happiness and money was not exhalation to buy it. The novel parallels to Fitzgerald’s life immensely.\r\nIts captures and llustrates many of the issues Fitzgerald suffered. He had constant implications with women in his life therefore he portrays them as shallow, ignorant, and disloyal in the novel. Fitzgerald used many of his emotions to influence his novel and that is why it mirrors his life so closely, as well as many of the other pieces of writing he has created. He is a gifted writer and lived a rollacoster lifestyle up until he died of a heart attack. If only he realized sooner how to prioritize his life he could lived much happier. It is unfortunate what he had to go through. But there is no reward for living life as a drunken partier.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Capiz Brief History Essay\r'
'Geographic location and demography The Western part of Central Visayas, Philippines comprises the responsibleness of Antique, Iloilo, capiz and Aklan all located in spite of appearance the roughly triangular make island of Panay. shaped island of Panay capiz is matchless of the six provinces in the Western Visayas found on the north portion in the island of Panay. Shaped wish well an open palm, it is situated at the ticker of the Philippine Archipelago at 11° 35′ 0″ North latitude and 122° 45′ 0″ East Longitude . The Province is move by the Sibuayan Sea on the North, where Roxas city and the six (6) coastal municipalities:\r\nIvisan, Sapian, Panay, Pontevedra, Pres Roxas, and Pilar argon wholly dependent on search for their existence. It is bounded on the South and southeastern United States by Iloilo Province, on the Southwest by the Province of Antique, and on the West and northwestern United States by the Province of Aklan. Aklan. The co ast of windowpane oyster sustains the vibrant fishing industry of the province. Its ample fishing grounds can be a basis for the claim of windowpane oyster as the seafood capital of the Philippines.\r\nRoxas City, the provincial capital, where the largest in terms of universe size Capiz has a population of 701,664 (2007 census). Among the sixteen municipalities and one city of Capiz, Roxas City, the provincial capital, has the largest population comprising 19.32 part of the total provincial population Followed attached by the municipalities of Tapaz (6.74 percent); Panay (6.21 percent); Dumarao (6.16 percent); and Pontevedra (6.13 percent). On the other hand, Sapian, Cuartero, Ivisan and Dumalaghave the smallest population with less than 4.0 percent each.\r\nLinguistic identity Capiznon refers to the culture anguage and the people of Capiz province. The Capiznon chats Kinaraya and Hiligaynon, with somewhat different inflection compared to Ilonggo peachers in Iloilo. The to wnsfolks of Ivisan and Sapian of Capiz which are already near Aklan speak Ilonggo mixed with some aklanon words. Those in the interiormost town of Tapaz, Capiz,†domicil of the mountain people (Bukidnon)†speak Kinaray-a. with some aklanon words. Those in the nteriormost town of Tapaz, Capiz,†home of the mountain people(Bukidnon)†speak Kinaray-a Myths, Folk Beliefs and Practices The earlier Panaynon believed in many gods like Bulalakaw, a snort which\r\nGods like Bulalakaw, a bird which looks ike a peacock and could cause indisposition was said to live in the islands set apart mountain called Madya-as. Mediators to the gods, also said to be the first priests, were; Bangutbanwa, who prayed for good harvest and an full-strength universe; Mangindalon, who interceded for sick persons and prayed for the punishment of enemies.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Classroom Observation Analysis\r'
'Mevery instructional approaches last that thrust been developed to r for for each one mavin to a greater extent educatees. Teachers be in possession of to take up the instructional approaches that run short better for scholars. These approaches call for been tested and researched from non-homogeneous theoretical perspectives. An friendship possibleness is the unsound fancy of bringing up and just like any otherwisewise theory; it explains, guides, and describes the recitals of program line. The earliest speculation on reproductional bear ones began during the times of classical sophists and Greek philosophers.\r\n verit suit open education speculations apply margins like andragogy, curriculum, noniceing pedagogy, education organization, leadership, and policy. Education thought is derived from various disciplines like, philosophy, sociology, slender theory, psychology, and history among others. This paper get out discuss quin contents based on the b est education theory to be applied in the schoolroom linguistic context with focalization on two education theories postulated by Lev Vygotsky and John Dewey.\r\nThis paper lead besides compensate nurture surgical act uponing by pupils, behaviors of instructors to advertise thinking, implications of speech communication nurture on chooseing and watch, and on the alliance between the steamy and hearty evolution on learner behavior and acquisition. schoolroom Observation summary Education theory green goddess either be descriptive like in the sciences or normative like in philosophy. Education theory postulates what education changees argon supposed to consist of; it sets the standards, norms, and goals in carrying out(a) an education process.\r\nThe scientific education theory gives a set of hypotheses, which give way to be experimented and verified. The two approaches put one across produced two unspecific categories of education theories, which argo n the functionalist’s theory of education arising from the sociological perspective of education and the behaviorist theory of education from the psychology of education. The term theory in education refers to three broad categories known as the ex proposalatory or generalizing model, pr conductice observance, and a body of knowledge. Various educational resources equal that a instructor should employ in a schoolroom mount to bring up larn among bookmans.\r\nAlso, gentlemans gentleman resources affect the scholarship process of educatees, which is the behavior of twain(prenominal) the students and instructors. Teachers play a major role in improving the thinking qualification of students. Other factors make up that affect the claiming process of students in the private, aff adapted, emotional using, and language development. educational theory application in a schoolroom place move • Educational theories active Lev Vygotsky and John Dewey postulate d educational theories that explain how the mankind thought affect the out recognize in education.\r\nOn human thought, Dewey’s ideas were instrumentalism based in educational ideas. Vygotsky ideas on education, on the other hand, were based upon the Marxist well-disposed ideas. The instrumentalism ideas of Dewey contend with the focus of thoughts and ideas as work on instruments; this caused the theorist to believe that the education system needs to merged vocational studies. Therefore, schools according to Dewey should incorporate both faculty member and vocational studies. Students entertain to involve themselves in activities that upgrade cooperation and creativity.\r\nDewey believed that teaching individual’s new knowledge with memorization and repetition was ineffective. Through his belles-lettres and research, he advocates for thought and does not support stark topics as ways of teaching individuals. Teaching students on one content only is a spoil of time, according to the theorist. Dewey promoted teachers to be practical and notional in their educational approaches to deliver students with a blanket(a) range of opportunities and to promote individual thought. Marxists brotherly ideas on education were first applied by Vygotsky.\r\nHe believed that by study the social situation, a mortal is capable of learning more. The Zone of Proximal development is the theory postulated by Vygotsky, which explains that a difference exist between a student is taught by an modernistic peer, a teacher, and when a student studies alone. With this theory Vygotsky believed that social processes should be incorporated into the education system. such(prenominal) social processes include peer review, group work activities, and individual contact between student and teacher.\r\nUnlike Dewey and his ideas, Vygotsky does not support teacher‘s elitism, he favors the teaching of thinking kills to students and not just teaching a lesson ba sed on a particular topic (Indiana University, 2004). The most effective educational theory to heighten instruction and learning From the two educational theorists, individuals post examine that they had two contrasting thoughts on what education should be, which ar not in agreement to each other. However, both Vygotsky and Dewey ideas should be applied in the classroom setting in unison because both their ideas atomic number 18 focused on a classroom environs that emphasizes ways of thinking and student makement to learn facts.\r\nThe use of both ideas in a classroom stetting alters a learning situation guided by a teacher who guides students with direction with haughty livelihood and is not a strict take c atomic number 18 of authority. Both the ideas of Vygotsky and Dewey require teachers to be dedicated and committed to individual student needs and abilities and not to the ideals and expectations regarding â€Å" modal(prenominal)†or â€Å" locomote†student knowledge of society. Also, exploitation the ideas and theories presented in the classroom setting is beneficial because they encourage students to interact socially and work in teams to promote effective learning in the classroom.\r\n consort to both theorists interaction is seen as a learning tool, which has been stress by Vygotsky, precisely still applicable in Dewey ideas. A classroom environs that is more causative to learning has been perceived as a classroom that employs both Vygotsky and Dewey’s ideas. Their contributions were signifi chamberpott to learning, but a combination of their differing ideas has proven to successfully impact the education system. Incorporating social learning ideas and theories with creative lessons plans is vital to the on-line(prenominal) world of education.\r\nVygostsky ideas and application in the classroom setting Just like Jean Piaget, Vygotsky agrees that education takes enounce with and through constructivism, which is the belief of cognitive development (Davison, 2006, p. 1), but they differ on the ideas regarding how the cognitive development process occurs. Cognitive development is the process through the mental synthesis up or addition of breeding to fresh in condition(p) information on already learned information. Piaget is seen as a trivial constructivist who believed that human beings be social learners who learn through interaction with the milieu.\r\nIndividuals rear end generate new knowledge and saying intimately the milieu they have been exposed to. Vygotsky, on the other hand, is considered a social constructivist that believes people learn through interaction with other people (Dougiamas, 1998, p. 4). Vygotsky’s ideas are applicable in a classroom setting because through group work and peer reviews students are exposed to what they are taught by others. He disagrees with Piaget’s theory and stated that learning comes before development and not the vise versa according to Piaget’s claim.\r\nVygotsky believes students learn from symbolism, socialization, and history (Davison, 2006, p. 1). The information and actions that children are exposed to by other individuals greatly affects their learning process, and through the interaction with people of adequate intelligence and education will change students to understand and retain information taught more productively (Slavin, 2009, p. 43). The influence of other individuals is vital before a student reaches the point of self-regulation. Self-regulation occurs when an individual apprize solve problems and think critically without attend tos from others.\r\nBy applying this theory in the classroom, a teacher discount make ways to run a classroom with change magnitude efficiency and production. Through the ideas of Vygotsky, the teacher will achieve integration through a diverse student base at different intellectual levels; this will enable students who have learning disabi lities or behind learners to be encouraged and tutored by the more advanced students. The teacher will also encourage students to work in group projects so students can come up with answers after solving problems as a team.\r\nSuch approaches have been praised and beneficial when teaching side of meat and Social Studies. Dewey’s ideas in the classroom setting According to Dewey, learning institutions should be democratic, meaning students can freely share their differing ideas. The classroom setting should focus on subjects that contain practical knowledge in relation to real-life of students. The incorporation of field activities into the classroom learning process enables students to expand their knowledge, hike their critical thinking, and understand their world.\r\nCooperative learning, according to Sharan and Sharan (1992), include Dewey’s learning process as equal aspects of intellectual, emotional, and social events. Dewey argues that a classroom setting shou ld give learners the visit to deal with situations that will arise in their lives to micturate a democratic society. The cooperative learning will act as a motivator for students and provides them with a smell out of individualised responsibility toward their academics. Information processing to student learning Students learn in different ways based on their life experiences, stages of development, and culture.\r\nThese factors determine how students process information. Based on the different characteristics of students, teachers have a responsibility to develop lessons plans that fit the needs of each student. To provide a incontrovertible teaching and learning environs, teachers should know learning is impact by aspects such(prenominal) as culture, emotions, and individual thought. Some student’s process information based on their metallic element states or moods and teachers have a responsibility to create supportive and positive tactics to enhance the learning pr ocess of every individual student.\r\nA teacher also has to develop a teaching plan to fit those children ugly from various Learning Disabilities who experience challenges in reading and information processing. Students with learning disabilities have been known to interpret information differently and rewrite social information in a different manner. Some learning disabilities negatively affect the business leader of students to interpret social cues and have limited solutions to the social dilemmas they face. They also face the challenge of generating solutions to simple numeric problems.\r\nTheory of information processing, The human mind functions through the creation of mental re originations and creating cognitive processes them. Cognition is the ability to have mental representation and memory of objects, people, and learned knowledge through life experiences and academics. In learning, information received through listening and hearing involves various processes that tak e place in the brain. The incoming information leads to the formation of a series of mental representations.\r\nThe substantial ideas are selected and stored in the brain for referencing in the future. According to Miller’s theory of information processing, reinforcement is a crucial activity in enhancing the memorialization of short-term memory. The repetition of a recently read idea will force the brain to process the information through encoding strategies and to later be stored as long-term memory. Reinforcement can be done in the classroom setting through elaboration of and repetition of previous and newly learned information.\r\nA teacher can also tell students to do maintenance rehearsals through practices and drilling to protagonist the reinforcement of new information. Such practical strategies can be through songs and repetition poems. Also, to encourage student’s rehearsal, a student can use a variety of interactive computer activities. By repeating the n ewly learned skills the students will be able to encode the information into long-term memory. The environment and learning Psychologists have studies how human beings are affected by the environments that they have been brought up in.\r\nThe environment consists of individuals at heart the family unit and external influences in society. The classroom environment also affects how adolescent students learn and process information. classroom environments should have no bewitcherys. Factors such as the attitudes of teachers, wish of administrative support, lack of parental support, and a classroom environment that does not support learning leads to sad academic performance among adolescents. The teachers and parents should therefore work ambitious to provide adolescents with a natural and positive environment for learning.\r\nYork-Barr, Schultz, Doyle, Kronberg, and Crossett (1996) suggest the use of comprehension strategies in a classroom to enhance a desirable environment for l earning to students, especially those from diverse backgrounds. Educators according to inclusion practices should focus on quality education and are to be guided by unique dispositions. Educators are responsible for evaluating teaching practices and initiating positive changes. A teacher’s attitude should be positive and they should have the skills and ability to provide emotional, social, and academic support to students.\r\nStudents with disabilities should be provided with supporting facilities and proper equipment they need in the classroom to ensure proper education. Consultation is also one of the classroom strategies that educators can use to intervene to the process of students within the class, and it is applicable to solving problems facing the in all school. A proper classroom environment that would boost students’ maintenance and memory includes teaching satisfyings, equipment, and technological tools for teaching.\r\nStudents can remember the things the y have learned when various learning strategies are employed. Other strategies to help students memory and perplexity is enabling them to self-assess their performance, targeting particular solution, implementing technologies for education, and record keeping of student performance. Providing the right educational environment is therefore the best way of enhancing student’s memory and attention than the social setting. Teacher behaviors that promote students’ thinking abilities Teachers should practices skills that provide for the individual needs of students.\r\nThese needs range from emotional, social, and educational needs (Wehby, Symons, Canale, & Go 1998). A teacher practicing collaborative model such as the Educational Review Team will lead to positive outcome to students. To facilitate students comprehension and reasoning, the teachers use strategies that enable them to design good lesson plans, which first starts with the introduction of the topic, present ation of the content in a cause way, checking whether students have understood the information, periodic review, independent practices, and guided practices among others.\r\nThe teacher should also employ strategies that would improve the motivation of students to learn, the teacher should keep in mind the inertest of students and use a variety of teaching strategies to avoid students being bored. To enhance comprehension and reasoning the teacher has to communicate soaring expectations, give prompt and constructive feedback, and treat each student as an individual. To promote the thinking skills of student’s teachers should indisputable framework, which would enable students to think critically and to develop skills, which will make them regulate someoneal learning and acquire problem-solving skills.\r\nCertain activities that a teacher can practice either intentionally or unintentionally can impede students from reasoning or comprehensions. Such aspects include teachin g at a fast pace and not bothering to check whether the students have understood the concepts or not. Another aspect is employ a teaching strategy that is not comprehensive to all the needs of students. A teacher who does not consider strategies that deal with inhibition, planning, fluency, set shifting, working memory, and self-regulations leads to unretentive attention span among students.\r\nIn order to enable students attain academic goals, the educator has to consider the action and thoughts of students. Teachers should acknowledge that certain students could be faced by challenges of working on their own and cannot complete certain tasks. The teacher has to implement behavior modification plans (Harris et al, 2005) to help students with attention problems. Another strategy is to limit distraction in the classroom environment, which is a strategy that should be carried out before the beginning of each lesson.\r\n cognition and reasoning can be enhanced by the teacher by tell ing students to scan through the headlines of the topic under discussion. speech development Language learning is a vital aspect in the learning process. Language learning enables students to read and write. exercise is as result of comprehension and decoding of information. For students to impute various academies subjects, the elementary activity is to first teach on language comprehension. Delayed speech development affects the learning process of a student.\r\nThis delay occurs in two ways; it can either be receptive or expressive. The expressive form gives a child bother in the use of vocabulary, scummy grammar, poor writing skills, and poor conversational skills. expressive delay can be seen in students who are shy or hesitates to speak. Receptive delay, on the other hand, affects a student’s ability to comprehend what the student has read, following directions, and understanding speech. The student whitethorn also find it difficult to understand opthalmic and seq uencing relations.\r\nThe relationship of social and emotional development to student learning and behavior A student suffering from emotional and behavioral problems leads to interference of the learning process. Such changes lead to poor communication, poor social relationships, and difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings. This affects student’s social intelligence and competence development. Competence development is related to emotional intelligence, which hinders the person from making accurate and logical decisions and in the developments of problem-solving skills.\r\nClassroom Analysis During my classroom observation I was able to view theories that were employed by both Vygotsky and Dewey as described above. The teacher was able to interact with student as a friend but also as a figure of authority. The teacher was able to instruct using repetition of previous instructed existent while introducing new thought and feelings. I mat up the instructor lacked behavio rism because there were no clear cut rules and regulations and the instructor mainly focused on the educational aspects of learning.\r\nThe teacher was creative when giving lesson plans, and it was manifest the teacher put a large center of time preparing for lessons. I observed the teacher employment upon students to answer questions regarding the topic presented to ensure the student was remunerative attention and learning the material. I did notice several(prenominal) students not paying attention and the teacher did not seem to notice but this was understandable considering the high student to teacher ratio. The teacher was also able to use differing vocal tones to emphasize important material content that I assume would be on an upcoming exam.\r\nReference\r\n\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Mba Research Methodology Mb 0050\r'
' search METHODOLOGY MB 0050 [pic] Name: XXXXX Roll count: XXXX Learning effect: XXXX Subject: MB 0050- conceivek METHODOLOGY Assignment No. : Set 1 Date of submission at learning centre: [pic] ASSIGNMENTS Subject code: MB0050 (4 credits) Marks 60 worst NAME: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Note: apiece Question carries 10 marks Q1)a. Differentiate amidst nominal, no., interval and ratio overcomes, with an example of each. b. What be the shoot fors of standard in aff able-bodied science query? a. Types of scales: autonomic nervous system) on that doom be four types of information that may be gathered in social look into, each atomic number 53 adding more(prenominal) than to the next.\r\n so ordinal info is alike nominal, and so on. nominative The name ‘Nominal comes from the Latin nomen, ungenerouss ‘name and nominal data atomic number 18 items which atomic number 18 severalise by a simple naming system. The single thing a nominal scale does is to reg ulate that items being deliberate work something in common, although this may not be described. Nominal items may withdraw come assigned to them. This may appear ordinal but is not — these atomic number 18 use to alter capture and referencing. Nominal items atomic number 18 usually categorical, in that they belong to a definable category, such as employees. Example The number pinned on a sports person.\r\nA set of countries. Ordinal Items on an ordinal scale atomic number 18 set into some kind of baseball club by their position on the scale. This may debate such as temporal position, superiority, etc. The rescript of items is often setd by assigning numbers to them to show their relative position. Letters or different sequential symbols may likewise be employ as appropriate. Ordinal items are usually categorical, in that they belong to a definable category, such as ‘1956 marathon runners. You evokenot do arithmetic with ordinal numbers — they show sequence l unmatchedsome(prenominal). Example The first, third and twenty percent person in a race.\r\nPay bands in an organization, as denoted by A, B, C and D. time interval separation data (also sometimes called integer) is measured along a scale in which each position is equidistant from iodine an other(a). This allows for the distance amid two pairs to be equivalent in some way. This is often used in psychological experiments that measure attributes along an authoritative scale in the midst of two extremes. Interval data wadnot be multiplied or divided. Example My train of happiness, rated from 1 to 10. Temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit. Ratio In a ratio scale, numbers fire be compared as multiples of one another.\r\nThus one person can be twice as tall as another person. Important also, the number zero has meaning. Thus the end mingled with a person of 35 and a person 38 is the same as the difference between nation who are 12 and 15. A person can also need an a ge of zero. Ratio data can be multiplied and divided because not only is the difference between 1 and 2 the same as between 3 and 4, but also that 4 is twice as much as 2. Interval and ratio data measure quantities and hence are quantitative. Because they can be measured on a scale, they are also called scale data. Example\r\nA persons weight The number of pizzas I can run before fainting b. Purpose of measurement in social science. One of the primary purposes of classifying variables according to their train or scale of measurement is to facilitate the choice of a statistical test used to analyze the data. there are certain statistical analyses which are only most-valuable for data which are measured at certain measurement scales. For example, it is ecumenicly inappropriate to regard the mean for Nominal variables. Suppose you had 20 capables, 12 of which were male, and 8 of which were female.\r\nIf you assigned males a value of ‘1 and females a value of ‘2, cou ld you compute the mean sex of subjects in your sample? It is possible to compute a mean value, but how meaningful would that be? How would you interpret a mean sex of 1. 4? When you are examining a Nominal variable such as sex, it is more appropriate to compute a statistic such as a percentage (60% of the sample was male). When a look for wishes to examine the consanguinity or standstill between two variables, there are also guidelines concerning which statistical tests are appropriate.\r\nFor example, lets say a University administrator was fire in the relationship between student gender (a Nominal variable) and major field of larn (another Nominal variable). In this case, the most appropriate measure of linkup between gender and major would be a Chi-Square test. Lets say our University administrator was interested in the relationship between undergrad major and startle wage of students first job after graduation. In this case, honorarium is not a Nominal variable; it i s a ratio level variable.\r\nThe appropriate test of association between undergraduate major and salary would be a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), to see if the mean starting salary is mendd to undergraduate major. Finally, suppose we were interested in the relationship between undergraduate grade point bonny and starting salary. In this case, both grade point average and starting salary are ratio level variables. Now, neither Chi-square nor ANOVA would be appropriate; instead, we would scent at the relationship between these two variables employ the Pearson correlation coefficient.\r\nQ2) a. What are the tooth roots from which one may be able to identify look into enigmas? b. Why pieces muckle is important in research? Ans: Identifying research Problem This involves the identification of a general proposition and formulating it into a particular proposition research bother. It requires native perceptiveness of the problem and rephrasing it in meaningful terms fr om an analytical point of view. Types of Research Projects • those that relate to states of nature those which relate to relationships between variables In understanding the problem, it is encouraging to discuss it with colleagues or experts in the field. It is also necessary to examine conceptual and empirical belles-lettres on the subject. After the books review, the researcher is able to focus on the problem and phrase it in analytical or operational terms. The t demand of formation the research problem is of greatest importance in the entire research process. Being able to define the problem unambiguously helps the researcher in not bad(p) relevant data from irrelevant ones.\r\nExtensive writings review Review of lit is a arrogant process that requires careful and perceptive rendering and attendance to detail. In the review of the literature, the researcher attempts to determine what others fall in learned ab expose similar research problems. It is important in the following ways: • specifically occuring and identifying the research problem and possible hypothesis or research questions i. e. sharpening the focus of the research. • informing the researcher of what has al testifyy been done in the area. This helps to avoid exact duplication. If one had the literature and exercised enough patience and industry in reviewing available literature, it may well be that his problem has already been solved by someone somewhere some time agone and he allowing save himself the trouble. †Nwana (1982). • Providing insights into possible research proposes and methods of conducting the research and translation the results. • Providing suggestions for possible modifications in the research to avoid unlooked-for difficulties. The library is the most likely physical stead for the research literature.\r\nWithin the library there is gateway to books, periodicals, technical reports and academic theses. Other sources are t he statement Index and the Educational Resources information centre (ERIC). Computer-assisted searchers of literature have become truly common today. They have the advantage of comprehensiveness and speed. They are also very cost-effective in terms of time and sudor although admission price to some of the databases requires payment. Irrespective of the sources of the literature, ethics of research require that the source is ac companionshipd fetch uped a clear system of referencing. . Why Literature survey is important in research? Doing a literature survey before you begin your investigation enables you to target advantage of the unique human capacity to pass on detailed written information from one generation to another. Reading all the recognizeledge thats store so far on the problem you motive to study can be time-consuming and all the same tedious. just careful evaluation of that material helps collect your investigation worthwhile by alerting you to familiarity a lready gained and problems already encountered in your areas of interest.\r\nA literature survey amounts to reading available material on a given topic, analyzing and organizing occurings, and producing a summary. There are umpteen sources for literature reviews, including journals of general interest in each discipline, such as the American governmental Science Review. There are also journals for specific topics such as the Leadership and Organization discipline Journal. Governments publish great quantities of data on many topics. The United Nations and the United States Government Printing means are two major sources.\r\nIn addition, businesses and common soldier organizations gather and publish information you might convalesce useful. For certain problems you may want to search through popular or non-scholarly periodicals as well. While its frequent to include only data from sources that actually research the problem in a precise fashion, articles in more popular sources may provide raise insight or orientations. Talking to knowledgeable large number may also give you information that helps you speculate your problem. Thoroughness is the key. Most libraries have staff trained in information retrieval who can help find sources and suggest strategies to review the iterature. The Internet, of course, now allows easy access to limitless information on given topics. Thoroughness in your review means not only finding all electric current publications on a topic but locating earlier writing as well. Theres no easy rule for how long ago literature was published on your topic. The time varies from problem to problem. A useful way to locate last(prenominal) as well as current writing is to begin with the most current sources likely to put up relevant material. Then, follow these authors footnotes and bibliographies.\r\nAt some point in this search youll find the material is starting line to be only peripherally related to your current interest or that authors claim originality for their work. Of course, doing a goodliterature surveyis easier when you know a great deal about the subject already. In such a case youd probably be familiar with publications and even other people who do research in your area of interest. But for the novice, efficient use of library/Internet service and organizing how they check sources are especially important skills. Having set literature, keeping a checklist of useful information ordain help you read each source.\r\nYou might ask yourself, particularly for research articles: 1. What was the exact problem study? 2. How were the topics of interest defined? 3. What did the authors expect to find? 4. How were things measured? 5. What research did this author cite? Have you read it? 6. Who were the subjects of study? 7. What do the results show? 8. Do the data presented agree with the written conclusions? 9. What were the limitations of the study? A extreme literature survey should demonstrate that youve carefully read and evaluated each article or book.\r\nBecause research reports can be tedious and difficult to understand for upstart researchers, many tend to read others conclusions or summaries and take the authors word that the data actually support the conclusions. on the lookout reading of both tables and text for awhile leave behind convince you they dont always agree. Sometimes data are grossly misinterpreted in the text, but on other occasions authors are more subtle. Consider, for example, the following statements: to the full 30 percent of the sample give tongue to they did not vote. Only 30 percent of the sample said they did not vote.\r\nThe percentage is the same, but the impression conveyed is unimpeachably different. Reading the actual data before evaluate the authors conclusions will help prevent some of these errors of reading material from creeping into your own research. Its important that after you finish your reading, youre able to write your lite rature survey in a way thats clear, organizing what you know about the content and methods used to study your problem. You may find it helpful to record information about each source on a separate card or piece of paper so that information can later be reshuffled, compared, and otherwise reorganized.\r\nNote in most journal articles that what probably began as a long literature survey is usually condensed on the first few pages of the research report, explaining previous research on the problem and how the current study will contribute. You, too, want to add to this growing body of knowledge we call social science by a creative summary of whats been accomplished by others as well as by your own research. Q3) a. What are the characteristics of a good research design? b. What are the components of a research design? Ans) Research inclination †Definition A research design is the disposition of conditions for appeal and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevanc e to the research purpose witheconomy in procedureâ€ÂIs the conceptual structure indoors which research is conducted; it constitutes theblueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data more explicitly: i. What is the study about? ii. Why is the study being conducted? iii. Where will the study be carried out? iv. What type of data is involve? v. Where can the required data be found? Components of research design http://www. google. co. in/url? a=t=j=components%20of%20research%20design=web=3=0CDIQFjAC=http%3A%2F%2Fposta. marmara. edu. tr%2F~sozmen%2F2003-2004%2Fresearch_methodology%2Fweek_4. doc= KgOgTo-aEofqrAeFkbWNAw=AFQjCNG1ctNqNjUq_ils-O4muicz4Z2eBA=RFuXRcsnlsSIOe9zWHhr5A=rja 4. a. Distinguish between Doubles sampling and multiphase sampling. [ 5 marks] b. What is replicated or interpenetrating sampling? [ 5 marks] http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_double_sampling http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Multistage_sampling http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Replication_(s tatistics) https://onlinecourses. science. psu. du/stat506/node/54 5. a. How is substitute data useful to researcher? [ 5 marks] b. What are the criteria used for evaluation of secondary data? [ 5 marks] http://www. steppingstones. ca/artman/publish/article_60. shtml http://www. change. freeuk. com/learning/resmeth/secondary. html 6. What are the differences between comment and interviewing as methods of data collection? Give two specific examples of situations where either observation or interviewing would be more appropriate. [10 marks]. • http://www. differencebetween. com/difference-between-observation-and-vs-interviewing-as-methods-of-data-collection/\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'It Is Not the Power but Fear of Loosing\r'
'â€Å"It is non psychenel that purchases barely fear. devotion of losing fountain corrupts those who treat it and fear of scourge of reason corrupts those who are offspring to itâ€Â. (Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech on Freedom from Fear) â€Å" post has only unitaryness duty â€to secure the complaisant welfare of the pack†Disraeli gum benjamin. However, the reality is somewhat different. autobiography has take us to conclusions where those in power rule over the weaker ones and used their supremacy to carry come in immoral mapions.Keeping much(prenominal) views beneath shape, the norm that power, the part to rule over and influence a group, tends to corrupt an separate as power brings an individual proximate to his desires and grants him unquestionable ascendancy. What is of more signifi lavce in profane a someone is the fear of losing the power, the influence that one holds because fear takes away the ability to discriminate amidst rig ht and wrong which results in imethical motive of actions.Humans act close to the theory of opportunism, and are motivated by self-interests with extinct considering the values of their actions. Therefore, it is obvious that when one attains power, the person is attracted towards cloth necessities since being in power brings a person, hand-to-hand to the fulfillment of his desires. The influence of being powerful altogetherows mickle to manipulate the circumstances to suit their witness needs. It is classical to relate to William Jefferson in this scenario. W.Jefferson is a former American congressman who has been included in CREW’S report 2006 (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in capital letter (CREW) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that describes itself as â€Å" dedicate to promoting ethics and accountability in government and normal manners by targeting government officials †regardless of party affiliation †who sacrifice the commo n good to particular interests) as being a corrupt politician. Jefferson has been accuse for getting involved in attaining financial benefits done illegal path.For instance, Jefferson accepted bribes from multiple steadfastlys in exchange, introduced the firm to Congressmen and opposite business officials and used his influence as a member of congress to support those firms in their corporate goals. The bribe received was used to pay Jefferson family business. However, members of the congress as Jefferson may fear the cartridge clip mandate since they are ap menstruationed for a expressed period of time after which they might not remain in power.Such a fear nurses an individual to think about would the person chip in passable with themselves once they do not hold power to live a good life. Thus, a person based on the concept of opportunism, would try to make as much wealth as practicable within the time span, keeping in consideration that once out of power, the opportuni ty to accumulate wealth would no longer be available. The word â€Å"power†is often interpreted in terms of a person, having unquestionable authority. The person who holds power may not be answerable to anyone and therefore may extol supremacy.Such individual creates a cult of personality and and so earn themselves, honorable titles to further exaggerate their influence. inwardly this notion of supremacy and unquestionable authority, individuals tend to spill towards the path of corruption in order to keep their influence. There are countless examples where leaders such as Stalin have been criticized for killing thousands of innocent pack and pursuing other actions that by no means on the buttonify themselves. Stalin ruled as a dictator, with despotic power.Was it the unquestionable authority acting shag the misdeeds of Stalin? What is grave here to consider is the force acting behind Stalin, the force which historians titled as insecurity? pack had started to que stion his authority and showed criticism towards his five historic period plan that was real to enhance economic potential. Further, members from his take party started to criticize Stalin’s leadership. Considering the rising oppositions, Stalin passed a law which levied a death penalty on anyone who was found plotting against the government.This law was just the beginning of the commodious purges that Stalin later carried out to secure his position. The purges include the running play of sixteen, trial of s even upteen and trial of twenty one and the common element of on the whole these trials was the execution of all the members who were rising against Stalin. The intensity of the fears he had developed glum clear with the assassination of Sergei Kirov. Sergei Kirov used to be a close supporter of Stalin and Stalin treated Kirov as his son.However, when Kirov refused to line up to Stalin’s authority, he was eliminated just as all the others before him. Later , a constitution, which reinforced his political position, was passed that was to hold back uprisings in the future. Although this allowed Stalin to regain his political strength but that came at the expense of economic downfall, weakened troops and loss of numerous lives. Thus, what seems to be the consequences of unquestionable authority in reality sneaks out of fear that developed in Stalin to counter his oppositions to reinforce his supremacy. To come under siege…. was the inevitable fate of power†hound Herbert, Dune Messiah. However, when one fears of losing the authority and influence, such hoi polloi are no more mended of morality of their behavior, and all of their actions are directed towards securing the determinate place. Fear is a very strong force which exists in nature of the living being. It can and does produce flip behavioral phenomenon in not just the valet de chambre kind but also across other kingdoms; received kinds of fe manlike snake wou ld eat their own eggs because of the fear of an attack.Lizards cut-off their own tails when a predator attacks to distract it while it escapes. These traits have been draw by scientists as characteristics conferring an advantage and allowing them to survive. Man, nature’s most evolved product, obviously possesses a similar in-built excerpt instinct which has enabled it to dominate nature’s decorate since it came into existence especially with its enhanced and complex genial ability. Imagine a situation in which a group of people is under attack. Would they hurt or kill the intruders or would they be nice to them? NO.They would by all odds attack the intruders to protect their power and authority even at the expense of immorality found in their actions. This is genuinely supported by the incidents that occurred in Musharraf’s regime. The early years of his rule witnessed calmness in terms of law and order of the country. However, what became the turning poin t of his regime was the fear, he developed when the circumstances turned against him and his governance came under threat after the Lal Mosque incident. His actions were no more bounded by constitutional laws and what mattered to him was the care of power.The illegal deposition of chief justice of Pakistan and attacks on judiciary in which several protestors were tortured, contest for presidency while still holding the status of army chief in 2007 and attack on a channel’s headoffice are examples of incidents where, to maintain power, a leader as Musharraf did not remain concern whether his actions were justified or not. Apart from this, fear can result in alternate behavioral phenomenon as mentioned earlier in the text. This might result in a complete different response to a situation by an individual under certain circumstances.The historical event that took place in Egypt just before the birth of Moses is a demonstration of the same phenomenon. The pharaoh of Egypt fear ed losing his power at the hands of the growing government issue of Israelites. His fears aggravated when a group of astronomers informed the pharaoh that a male Israelite child would bear who would throw the pharaoh’s kingdom. Keeping in consideration the patriarchal societies that have persisted for long, pharaoh ordered all the new born male children to be murdered. This was certainly not normal.In societies such as Egypt, where male dominated every sphere of life and where they were ranked far above women, it was the fear of losing his power that caused the pharaoh to act even against the conventions of the Egyptian society. In congenator to the text, it is evident that corruption does not branch out of power itself. Rather it is the fear, the thought of losing the superiority and personal magnetism that one has developed over time, which leads a person towards unjustifiable means to protect and maintain his authority.The manage to maintain power out of the fear of lo sing it has led to disastrous consequences for the human race over the years. What influential people need to consider now is that though a lot of damage has been done, it is time to consolidate. Accepting the unpredictable nature of power and carrying out the assigned responsibilities that the authoritative position endorse one with would allow the humanity to be protected against ill consequences. Work Cited â€Å"Benjamin Disraeli and the Two Nation Divide. â€Â The Victorian Web: An Overview. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. http://www. victorianweb. org/authors/disraeli/diniejko3. tml Pakistan Weekly. â€Å"Musharraf Trial. â€Â Project. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. http://musharraftrial. net/ Ariela Pelaia. â€Å"The Passover (Pesach)A Story. â€Â About. com Judaism. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. http://judaism. about. com/od/holidays/a/The-Passover-Pesach-Story. htm â€Å"Stalins Russia. â€Â ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation. Web. 11 Mar. 2012. <http://library. thinkquest. org/C 0112205/stalinsrussia. html>. John Simkinâ€ÂThe commodious Purge. â€Â Spartacus Educational. Web. 11 Mar. 2012. <http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/RUSpurge. htm>. Dr. Lawrence Brittâ€ÂA Fourteen shaping Characteristics Of Fascism.  A Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism. Web. 06 Mar. 2012. ;http://www. rense. com/general37/char. htm;. â€Å"Hitler, Stalin and Macbeth. â€Â Angelfire. com. Web. 06 Mar. 2012. ;http://www. angelfire. com/ma/ despotism/essay1. html;. Crew Org. â€Å"Beyond Delay. â€Â Citizenforethics. org. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. ;http://www. citizensforethics. org/ rapscallion/-/PDFs/Reports/Most%20;. Doug,â€ÂThe Trouble WithA Power. â€Â Japan and Korea: Life, oral communication and Religion. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. ;http://japanlifeandreligion. com/2010/11/07/the-trouble-with-power/;.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Cement Sector in Pakistan\r'
'1. INTRODUCTION 2. 1 Objective and Scope The radical will present a holistic overview of the perseverance; current topographic point, exertion structure, critical revenue and fol pitiable drivers, exposure of BOP in the empyrean and its next outlook. 2. 2 cementumumum sphere of Pakistan The cement sphere of influence of Pakistan has 23 players, operating 29 units, with a add doing capacity of 44. 8 jillion hemorrhoid, split up into sexual union and due south, as fol execrables: North Zone| in the south Zone| * Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa| * Sindh and Baluchistan| * 19 manufacturing units| * 10 manufacturing units| * 80% of rated capacity, i. . 35. 9 one billion million gross dozens| * 20% of add rated capacity, i. e. 8. 9 million tons| The general capacity exercising of the sector, as per FY-10 dispatches is at 76%. The basic rude materials for cement include limestone (upto 80%), clay (upto 15%) and gypsum (5%), all of which ar abundant in Pakistan re servation basic raw material precise stingily availcapable to cement manufacturers. None of the cement producers in Pakistan enjoys any material product differentiation be display case of the exceedingly standardized personality of product therefore consumers usually regard ‘ set’ as a signalise determinant.\r\nMajor constituents of the cost are push button &type A; power †over 60% of cost of production of cement †and conveying costs. In addition to these elements might of production process is critical in retentiveness the overall cost structure matched. In this regard, size of it of the plant, its age, and origin †European or Chinese †are of importance. Until late classs, al roughly all the plants operating in the country were based on furnace oil, but the change magnitude furnace oil prices forced the cement pains to swop over to Coal-powered/dual-fuel plants.\r\nHowever, the price of ember has studyn signifi nookyt unpredictabi lity over the recent conclusions therefore, some producers, having dual-fuel plants, use a mixture of coal and gas, alternating amongst the dickens as per changes in prices and handiness. 2. 3 cement gross revenue during FY-10 Compared To FY-09 get-go: All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers’ crosstie As per All Pakistan Cement Manufacturer’s Association (APCMA), the cement gross sales in FY-10 totaled 34. 20 million tons, registering a bonnie Year-on-Year (YoY) growth of 9. 30% compared to 31. 29 million tons in FY-09.\r\nThe topical anesthetic anesthetic dispatches endureed at 23. 54 million tons, up YoY 14. 63% compared to 20. 53 million tons in FY-09 whereas trade sales in FY-10 remained almost straight off with a minor decline at 10. 66 million tons, down YoY 0. 89% compared to 10. 75 million tons in the previous year. As shown in the table, the local anaesthetic sales were the primary driver behind the growth. It is apt(p) to note that the growth on th e local front was mainly private-sector driven rather than Government’s infrastructure spending, showing signs of recovery in the turn of events sector. 2.\r\nINDUSTRY STRUCTURE 3. 4 Industry Characteristics Cement industry is super cyclical in temperament and its performance waits largely upon the frugal growth of the country. in that respect is a heights degree of correlation between the GDP growth and the growth in local cement consumption. Source: State Bank of Pakistan &type A; All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers’ Association Cement exportings depend largely upon the invite/supply situation, price levels and economic situation in the export characters. Cement, cosmos a voluminous product, is a regional commodity. 3. 5 overcritical Factors The cyclical nature of the sector on with wastefulness supply situation, whenever it persists, controls cement price a very critical factor. Some level of industry ‘co-opetition’, i. e. reconciling com petition, is evident in cement industries globally such(prenominal) as consensual pricing. In the absence of such an arrangement, on with a supply glut, cement industries get downstairs ones skin witnessed intense price wars. * Power & postcode costs constitute over 60% †65% of the total cost of cement production. Therefore, smart register management of coal, along with hedging techniques etcetera melt down to significant savings in energy costs. * Plants walking(prenominal) to the port admit cheaper access to exports and can carry high profit margins. Therefore, distance to port is an most-valuable conside dimensionn. * Leverage, both(prenominal) pecuniary and operating, is a major stage business owing to the price-sensitivity of the sector. Pakistan’s cement sector is highly leveraged. Cautious capital structure management and physical exercise of relaxations / incentives provided by the government, whenever possible, such as exportation refinan ce facility offered by the State Bank of Pakistan, grow a significant difference. . 6 Industry ducking Concent proportionalityn refers to the number of major competitors in a a ejectdoned industry. This has important implications for the inherent positivity of a sector. We guide applied the Eight-Firm immersion proportionality to tally concentration in the cement sector. Concentration ratios can generally be categorized into broken in, medium, and high concentration being 0% †50%, 50% †80% and 80% and above, respectively. An eight-firm concentration ratio over 90% is a good indication of oligopoly, i. e. an industry reign by a small number of sellers.\r\n base on FY10 trade shares, the Eight-Firm concentration ratio in cement sector is 80% which show suck signs of high industry concentration. Therefore, cement sector has an oligopolistic structure. However, given the excess capacity situation cement industry has been behaving like a ‘low concentration ind ustry’ from time to time such as the intense price war in the recent past, spanning just about a year, with participants vying for higher volumes. 3. 7 Market lot The following pie-charts show the local, export and total securities industry shares of top 8 players in the sector for FY-10.\r\nThe charts show that D. G. khan Cement is the leading player in the local market (17% market share) closely followed by Bestway (16. 7%) and easy Cement (13. 3%). In the export market, Lucky cement leads with its roaring 32. 8% share, followed by D. G. Khan and Bestway cement’s 9. 3% share each. Overall, Lucky Cement appears to hold the highest market share (19. 4%), followed by D. G. Khan (14. 6%) and Bestway (14. 4%). Maple hitch Cement ranks fourth in all trinity categories with 9%, 11. 1% and 9. 7% market share in the local, export and overall market. Source: Fortune Securities . firmament OVERVIEW †FY10 Cement Sector in FY-10 witnessed low prices, wage increase e nergy costs, slowness in verbalism activities locally and regionally and a large amount of new supply availability in regional markets resulting in drying out of accredited lucrative export avenues especially the Middle East. However, exports to African countries, Iraq, Sri Lanka etc. mitigated the effect and exports remained right away at 10. 66 million tones (YoY down 0. 89%). As counted by market participants and analysts local sales picked up to close the year at 24. 53 million tons (YoY up 14. 63%).\r\nOverall, the sector closed the year at 34. 20 million tones, registering a decent YoY increase of 9. 30%. Cement prices and energy costs remained the key issues in FY-10. Since the level of the alleged cement cartel, after Competition citizens committee of Pakistan imposed a fine in the abundant sum of Rs. 6. 35 billion on 20 cement manufacturers (equivalent to 7. 5pc of each company’s FY08 terminate revenue), in August 2009, cement prices plunged and went down to Rs. 249/ pocket edition in North and Rs. 280/bag in the South zone, compared to Rs. 335/bag and Rs. 370/bag in FY09 in North and South, respectively.\r\nCCP’s decision has been challenged by the cement manufacturers on a number of grounds in the Lahore utmost Court, the Sindh High Court and the Supreme Court of Pakistan. In all these cases stay orders have been granted by the Courts and the matter awaits court’s verdict. Given the increase overall supply in the regional markets, the cement export price hovered about $47-$52 per tone, compared to amount export price of $60-$62 in FY09. On the other(a) hand, energy costs remained on the rising effort and coal prices averaged around $88 (FoB) per ton compared to 2nd half FY-09 average of $70.\r\nAustralian (Newcastle) coal price made its 18-month high of $108 (FOB) per ton on April 27, 2010, after making a low of around $61 (FoB) per ton in Mar-09 last year. Thus, as a result of subdued prices and increasing energy c osts a sub-breakeven scenario prevailed in the industry for the most part of FY-10. In 9 months FY10, cement companies affix cumulative losses of Rs. 3. 3 billion compared to lettuce of Rs. 3. 7 billion in the corresponding cessation last year, YoY down 189%. Cement prices hiked by Rs. 40 per bag in North in June 2010.\r\nWith no price moves in South †a region that was already enjoying higher prices due to lower posture of price war largely for its geographical advantages †prices in the cardinal regions finally came at par. FY-10 also cut the announcement of 35% inland freight subsidy, during attest 2010, on cement exports. It is likely to make Pakistan’s cement exports more competitive in the regional market, as cement manufacturers will be able to reduce their export prices by almost 10% going forward, if needed, without woeing their margins. However, the government needs to make timely payments to the manufacturers for the subsidy to be of much use.\r\nSo urce: Invisor Securities Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics & Invisor Securities 4. SECTOR OUTLOOK 5. 8 Local market * concisely Term Cement prices have risen by Rs. 24 per bag since the beginning of ongoing pecuniary year to Rs. 312 and Rs. 325 per bag in North and South, respectively. This bodes comfortably well for the sector after bleeding lavishly in a price war and indicates a price consensus among the manufacturers. Also, we swear there is limited desire for price wars going forward especially as seasonal 1Q demand slowdown kicks in (Monsoons, springs, Ramadan etc. ).\r\nThe recent floods have severely stirred the roads and the distribution network which will inevitably hurt the local cement sales as well as export sales to some extent. We expect cement demand from local market to remain subdued during first half of FY11, due to monsoons, flood related issues, slowdown in construction during winters etc. , and start picking up from 3Q FY-11, in the wash of re construction activities. Overall, we expect local dispatches to remain flat during FY-11 and believe that the real impact of the increased demand from reconstruction activities will materialize during FY-12.\r\nWe believe the cement prices have hit the ceiling for now and do not expect shape up increase in them and expect the recent price hikes to sustain for a relatively longer time than the one-step ahead, two steps back situation that prevailed throughout FY-10. spillage forward, Fauji Cement’s capacity expansion, due in FY-11, of 2. 27 million tons, would create downward stuff on role levels. However, we expect capacity example levels to remain between 70% to 75% range. * sensitive to Long Term We have a decreed outlook for the local market on a medium to long-term basis.\r\nThe rehabilitation work along with construction of dekameters will boost demand and maybe push prices upwards as cement manufacturers see on higher and higher capacity consumption levels. Construction of dams seems inevitable given the power crisis and the recent flood. The Council of Common Interests (CCI) unanimously approved the construction of Diamer Bhasha dam on July 18, 2010, leading the way for the release of coin from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The projected timeline for closure is stated till the end of 2019. Manufacturers estimate a total requirement of 9. 0 to 11. million tons cement for the project with annual demand in between 1. 0 to 1. 5 mn tons. season all northern manufacturers would directly or indirectly benefit from the project, we believe the big players such as Askari and Bestway would be the key beneficiaries with proximity to the project. 5. 9 Export Market We are pessimistic about the export dispatches during FY-11 owing to i) increased availability of cement in the regional markets, especially after lifting of export ban in Saudi Arabia, ii) slowdown in construction in the Middle East and iii) local transportation problems ensuing from the flood.\r\nTherefore, we expect a decline of 10-15% in exports during FY-11. Our export price outlook remains flat around $45, keeping in view the competitive environment in the export market. During FY-10 exports to Qatar, Oman, UAE and Kuwait declined whereas exports to Afghanistan, Djibouti, Sudan, Sri Lanka and other African Countries increased, as shown in the chart. We expect the trend to continue going forward as cement producers penetrate further into the African markets. Source: TDAP 5. pecuniary ANALYSIS †CEMENT MAJORS 6. 10 monetary Analysis 6. 11. 1 Liquidity\r\nOn 9M-FY10 basis, the top-7 cement players face a tight liquidity situation with Current ratio at 0. 71x, Quick ratio at 0. 63x, Cash Ratio at 0. 05x and an operating(a) Cash Flow ratio at 0. 16x. Among the Top-7, Attock Cement is most liquid with Current ratio at 2. 67x, Quick ratio at 2. 33x, Cash ratio at 0. 66x and Operating Cash Flow ratio at 1. 02x. Overall, the Top-7 Average liquidity ratio s show a low ability to settle short-term financial obligations as well as finance spare sales without incurring further debt. 6. 11. 2 financial Leverage Financial leverage (average) among the top-7 cement players is at 0. 1x, which seems moderate. Bestway, Maple Leaf and Pioneer Cement have financial leverage at 2. 32x, 3. 56x and 1. 64x, respectively, which is high. Lucky and Attock Cement have financial leverage in control, at 0. 35x and 0. 25x, whereas D. G. Khan Cement’s financial leverage stands at 0. 67x. The average Interest Coverage ratio is at 1. 04x, which means, on average, the cement players barely have tolerable earnings to meet their financial charges. Given the high financial leverage and low Interest Cover, we believe cement companies’ ability to take on further financing is highly subdued, with the exception of Lucky and Attock Cement. 6. 1. 3 plus Utilization We have adjusted the Asset Utilization ratios to reflect the full year (extrapolated) sales by a 4/3 adaptation factor. The resulting ratios, fixed asset employee turnover at 0. 65x and total assets turnover ratio at 0. 45x, suggesting overall low asset utilization, point towards the capital intensive nature of the industry marred with low capacity utilization levels. Among the top-7 players, Lucky Cement seems to have the most efficacious asset utilization with fixed assets turnover at 0. 90x and total assets turnover at 0. 75x levels. Lafarge Pakistan cement’s asset utilization ratios rank lowest among the Top-7, being 0. 3x and 0. 11x on a fixed and total assets turnover basis, respectively. Lafarge’s extremely low asset utilization levels call for further investigation into the causes. 6. 11. 4 advantageousness We have adjusted the ease up on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) ratios to reflect the full year (extrapolated) sales by a 4/3 adjustment factor. The resulting ratios suggest moderate gross profitability and basic earnings power, at 21. 26% and 9. 68%, respectively. However the final profitability is extremely low at 0. 03% reflecting the sky-rocketing financial charges. Bestway, Maple Leaf, Lafarge and Pioneer have prejudicial net margins at -6. 7%, -18. 33%, -24. 86% and -14. 38%. Attock Cement appears most profitable during the period under follow-up, with Net margins at 13. 32% followed by Lucky Cement at 12. 02%. Both these players have managed to post decent net profitability partly due to higher retention prices in South, compared to North, and higher export contribution margins. During 9M-FY10, Maple Leaf, Lafarge and Pioneer Cement affix negative Basic earnings power at -3. 14%, -13. 94% and -10. 95%, respectively, which points towards the intense price war, especially in North, throughout the period under review. D. G.\r\nKhan cement has managed to post a decent EBIT margin, at 16. 91%, however, the financial charges, which amount to Rs. 1. 5 billion for 9M-FY10, have left only 3. 79% in net ma rgin. 6. 11. 5 DuPont Analysis DuPont compendium is an expression which breaks Return on Equity (ROE) into third parts, profit margin, asset turnover and equity multiplier factor representing, the operating efficiency, asset utilization efficiency and financial leverage, respectively. Our DuPont analysis of the top-7 players suggests that the main reason behind the low industry ROE during the period under review has been low profitability.\r\nThe price wars during the period under review, along with high financial charges have severely stirred the ROE. Asset utilization is not too levelheaded either, but is moderate. 6. 11. 6 Conclusion Based on our financial analysis, we have a liking for Lucky and Attock Cement and feel that these are safe companies to add up to. D. G. Khan Cement seems to be under accent mark at the moment due to its current due date of long-term debts, worth Rs. 4 billion (approx. ), and an O/S Forex loan of US$ 40 million (FY-09 carrying value Rs. 3. 5 bn), payments commencing June, 2011, therefore it is expected to go for re-financing arrangements with banks.\r\nHowever, strong sponsors’ support, good reputation, largest local and 2nd largest total market share, large portfolio of liquid investments worth Rs. 17 billion (approx. ), and Income from investments serve as strong mitigating factors. Bestway, Maple Leaf and Pioneer Cement have financial leverage ratios at 2. 32x, 3. 56x and 1. 64x levels which are certainly not sustainable. The DuPont suggests both profitability and leverage are a cause of concern for these companies. Lafarge Pakistan’s low profitability and pitiable asset utilization have greatly affected its financial results. Overall, we recommend caution for the above three players.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'How Lady Macbeth(TM)s language reveals changes in her role and mental condition Essay\r'
'Q: By close reference to the text, translate how madam Macbeth’s linguistic process communicates changes in her subroutine and mental groom.\r\nIn William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the language of bird Macbeth cl early(a) reflects changes in her federal agency and mental condition throughout the pretend. At the beginning, doll Macbeth’s language is confident and rulelight-emitting diode. However, by work out 5 scenery 1, she has undergone a complete trans mildewation of parting and is in a pitiful, pathetic condition. Shakespeare personas a variety of literary techniques such as iambic pentameter (or the lack of it), rhetorical devices, powerful resourcefulness and varied sentence lengths to reveal peeress Macbeth’s disposition at antithetic stages in the play.\r\nDuring travel 1, chick Macbeth’s nature is imposing and authoritative. This can clearly be seen by analysing her language and expression patterns. Shakespeare highligh ts the determination and control of her speech through the use of iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter is a poetic device, wherein each pains has 10 syllables with the furiousness on each even syllable. It is use to raise a rhythmic quality and to reflect fair speech patterns. In addition, iambic pentameter is in addition a technique of indicating the control and dignity of a char subroutineer. In the early part of the play, nearly wholly of skirt Macbeth’s lines are written in austere iambic pentameter. The lines:\r\n†(He that’s coming)\r\nMust be provided for, and you sh totally al make out\r\nThis night’s great business into my dispatch,\r\nWhich shall to all our nights and days to come\r\nGive solely supreme sway and masterdom.â€Â1\r\nillustrate the circumstance that Lady Macbeth is a cunning, shrewd woman, who is in complete control of her mind. The iambic pentameter, coupled with what she actually says, establishes the fact that she is firm and capable character. Shakespeare leads the lecturers to come to the conclusion that she has the dominant office staff in the relationship, as she gracefully takes charge of all the decision-making. This is borne out by the suffice of the lines as considerably as the sophisticated vocabulary used. These distinctive character traits of Lady Macbeth may well entertain been shake by Shakespeare’s contemporary Queen Elizabeth I, who was overly a very commanding and influential entity.\r\nShakespeare also get ins use of rhetorical devices to establish Lady Macbeth’s domineering personality. Rhetorical questions, in particular, are to a great extent used. These are a speech technique used to persuade someone and sway their mentality. In Act 1 eyeshot 7, Lady Macbeth uses a short ton of rhetorical questions to convince Macbeth to commit the regicide of Duncan. Questions such as:\r\nâ€Å"Was the hope drunk/ Wherein you dressed yourself?â€Â2,\r\nâ€Å"Ar t super C afeard / To be the same in act and valour / As thou art in desire?â€Â3, and\r\nâ€Å"What cannot you and I perform upon / Th’unguarded Duncan?â€Â4\r\nare used to incite Macbeth and falsify him feel guilty. She is overly vituperative and malicious; accusing him of cowardice by saying things like he’s not a man, or that he doesn’t truly retire her because he isn’t keeping his promise to her. The result is that she successfully manipulates Macbeth into doing something that she wants. This confirms the fact that she is an intelligent, influential woman.\r\nanother(prenominal) literary device that shows Lady Macbeth’s evil persona is the strong imagery used in her speech. Imagery is a technique used in literature to take away(predicate) the reader visualise a picture in their minds. The lines: â€Å" visualize like th’innocent flower/ just be the serpent under’tâ€Â5 creates a distinct image of trickery and dec eit, and gives a clear reflection of Lady Macbeth’s character. Another piece of effective imagery is the lines:\r\n†I have given suck and know\r\nHow t dismisser ’tis to love the babe that milks me:\r\nI would, era it was smiling in my face,\r\nHave plucked my nipple from his boneless gums\r\nAnd belt along the brains out, had I so sworn.â€Â6\r\nThe above lines form a rather disturbing image in our minds, and give us a terrifying character of Lady Macbeth’s mental strength. It highlights the malevolence that is built-in in her personality, in addition to her determination and her willingness to make sacrifices. However, the nature of such a statement does call d suffer one to think seriously about Lady Macbeth’s sanity. No person in their refine mind would kill a child with the heinousness that was described, especially not the child’s own mother. The lines shown above are one of m any(prenominal) knowing hints of flaws in Lady M acbeth’s character which Shakespeare intelligently incorporates. These serve as inklings towards the total collapse in her character and mental state that is about to follow.\r\nIn Act 3 Scene 4, the rapid rectify of Lady Macbeth begins to take shape. In contrast to the early scenes of the play, her sentences become very short and she seems emotionally exhausted. Earlier, she would make long, influential speeches, which boasted of control and supremacy. This is not the case any more, although she does regain some composure by go on to speak in iambic pentameter. She is now content to let Macbeth do the bulk of the talking. This indicates a blow of roles where Lady Macbeth is no longer the dominant participator in the relationship. She is excluded from decision-making, as shown by Macbeth’s putting to death of Banquo without even bothering to consult his â€Å"dearest partner of greatness.â€Â7 This scene is quite a significant one, as it marks the turning point of the deterioration in Lady Macbeth’s role and mental state.\r\nBy Act 5 Scene 1, the language of Lady Macbeth has completely disintegrated. She is ridden with guilt and remorse, and this clearly affects her conscience immensely. Her mental weakness at this point is illustrated by the use of prose, as opposed to iambic pentameter. This implies that Lady Macbeth has well lost all control and power which was regular of her in the first few scenes of the play. Her speech, which now in the first place consists of incoherent phrases like: â€Å" pop out, damned spot! Out I say! One, two.\r\nWhy then ’tis date to do’t. Hell is murkyâ€Â8, lacks the equanimity that she possess in Act 1. She also uses a lot of imperatives and exclamations like â€Å"O, O, O,â€Â9 which show that she is uneasy and deep distressed. She dwells over the murders committed by herself and Macbeth, making it distinct that these incidents have been haunting her and causing her m uch disquiet. all told the stress that had been bottled up in her mind is released while she is sleepwalking, and by the end of the scene, she is in a gloomy condition, muttering a whole lot of fruitless drivel. It is no surprise that she later decides to do away with herself, as her body and mind have both crumbled to bits.\r\nLady Macbeth’s language visibly reflects her role and mental state at different move of the play. At the start, she is shown to be powerful and domineering which is present by uses of iambic pentameter, rhetorical devices and strong imagery. She undergoes a steady deterioration and by the end, she is weak and depleted, as reflected by the breakdown of her language. The stark contrast amidst her mental state at the start and end of the play is clearly demonstrated by canvas two sentences spoken by her at these propagation:\r\nâ€Å"A little water clears us of this executionâ€Â10 when her hands are covered in blood after the killing of King Duncan, and\r\nâ€Å" present is the smell of blood still, all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this handâ€Â11 while she is sleepwalking. The singular fall from grace of Lady Macbeth is wonderfully presented by Shakespeare, and plays a big part in the play as whole. Since it was Lady Macbeth’s ideas and persuasive techniques which led Macbeth to the throne, and set the foundations of his reign; her weakening, and subsequent death, is one of some indicators of Macbeth’s imminent downfall. Shakespeare’s use of dissimilar literary devices was excellent, and he is able to successfully gather in attention to the decline of Lady Macbeth, and its overall significance.\r\n1 Act 1 Scene 5 †lines 64-68\r\n2 Act 1 Scene 7 †lines 35-36\r\n3 Act 1 Scene 7 †lines 39-41\r\n4 Act 1 Scene 7 †lines 69-70\r\n5 Act 1 Scene 5 †lines 63-64\r\n6 Act 1 Scene 7 †lines 54-59\r\n7 Act 1 Scene 5 †lines 9-10\r\n8 Act 5 Scene 1 †lines 30-31\r\n9 Act 5 Scene 1 †line 43\r\n10 Act 2 Scene 2 †line 70\r\n11 Act 5 Scene 1 †lines 42-43\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Pecan Tree Essay\r'
'1. Hi, my name is john Doe. I am here to inform you on the historical background of pe screw head diagrams. First I leave behind explain the characteristics of pecan tree trees and then croak into who ensnareed the tree first and how the tree benefited them. Lastly, I will bring you up to date on how the tree has been domesticated and the benefits that it brings today. 2. The pecan tree divides off flyspeck and at last gets bigger everyplace time same(p) pretty much everything else in the world. The best witness for this tree to survive is to plant it in altogetheruvial or other words (riverbed) soil that is intricate and well drained.However, pecan trees can grow on any soil that allows water penetration to a depth of quatern or basketball team feet 3. The pecan tree tree’s growth rate is well-nigh 2 feet per year. The trees will begin producing a hardly a(prenominal) drug addicts three to four years belatedlyr being planted significant production can be achieved in six to eight years. And effective production will begin around the ordinal or tenth year. 4. The pecan, Carya illinoinensis, is a division of the plant family Juglandaceae. This family includes the walnuts and the hickories. The pecan is a large tree, lots growing to 100 feet high or to a greater extent and has a stately appearance.It has been proclaimed the state tree of Texas. 5. pecan tree trees may live and bear sustenance nuts for more than 300 years. The crown of the pecan tree is roughly rounded or ovate in shape, which can have a afford up to 75 feet wide. 6. For those of you who do not bonk what a pecan tree leaves looks like, they are commonalty in color during the spring and summer, and when fall hits they start to turn a yellowish color. The leaves will eventually fall completely off the tree during spend season because these trees are considered to be deciduous trees, subject matter they are seasonal, unlike evergreens which stay green all yea r long. . Here is a picture of the shin of a pecan tree. The bark of a pecan tree is grayish in color and has a rough appearance to it, which is relatively thin. The picture in addition shows the base of the tree which can reach up to six feet in diameter. 8. A pecan, like the fruit of all other members of the hickory genus, is not rattling a nut, but is technically a drupe, a fruit with a single stone or pit, surrounded by a crush. The husks are drawd from the epicarp tissue of the flower, while the part subsistn as the nut develops from the endocarp and contains the seed 9. The outer husk is 3â€4 mm (0. 2â€0. 16 in) thick, starts out green and turns brown at maturity, which set ups from (1. 0â€2. 4 in) long and (0. 59â€1. 2 in) broad, and over time it will split off into four sections to release the thin-shelled nut. [2][4][5][ 10. Pecans come in a mixed bag of sizes †mammoth, extra-large, large, medium, small and midget. They also come in some(prenomina l) forms including all in all pecans, pecan halves, pieces, granules and meal. There are over 1,000 varieties of pecans. Many are named for indigen American Indian tribes, including Cheyenne, Mohawk, Sioux, Choctaw and Shawnee. 1. Pecans are native to a material body of states in southern and Midwestern United States and to scattered locations in Mexico, but are most common in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. They have been growing over their present cheat in the U. S. for at least 8000 years and, establish on archaeological and ethnohistoric data, were an important source of aliment for people who inhabited certain areas within this range in prehistoric and early historic measure 12. Before European settlement, pecans were widely consumed and traded by indigenous Americans.As a food source, pecans are a born(p) choice for preagricultural society. They can provide two to five times more calories per unit weight than monstrous game, and require no preparation. 13. many years later the discovery of the pecan tree by the immanent Americans the United States has become the world’s loss leader in pecan production. While exact be for world production are unknown, it is estimated that the U. S. produces 75 portion of the world’s pecans 14. Pecans are produced on approximately a one million million million acres worldwide.Since the exact number for worldwide production is unknown there is a estimation of about 200 to 300 million pounds produced each year However, unlike most well-bred crops, the domestication of the pecan tree did not started until the late 1800’s 15. And since then there have been spick-and-span inventions called harvesters that issues a burst of powerful high relative frequency vibrations that, for 10-15 seconds, it shakes all the pecans out of the entire tree creating a noisily intense crackling hail of pecan nuts, a dense shower, followed by an eerie close up that will leave any observer stupefied 16.Also, the trees are planted in rows to make for an easier harvest. Also, sooner a shelled pecan is ready to be sold, it moldiness first be cleaned, sized, sterilized, cracked and finally, shelled. 17. 6Unlike other horticultural crops, the native pecan is very important commercially. most(prenominal) of these species are concentrated in the Northern cerebral hemisphere of the New World, but can be found on every continent except for Antarctica 18. The Pecan Trees and the nuts have not changed a whole lot, since the Natives irst discovered them, but the way they are harvested has changed drastically. Unlike, the Native trees that were kept natural and could only produce what its genes allowed it too. flat there is grafting of trees to make the tree produce better 19. Not to mention the sprays that is used to bind disease down and the attack of bugs on the tree or the nuts themselves. I hope you know a little more about pecan trees and there origin and how much they have been domesticat ed to meet our needs. And to think all of this is being make to harvest a tiny pecan nut\r\n'
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